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我遇到的阿富汗人既不排外,也不好战。The Afghans I met were neither xenophobic nor bellicose.

世界杯东道主-南非隐瞒仇外暴乱风波。The World Cup hosts hunker down for a wave of xenophobic violence.

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谈到烹饪,法国人会颇为得意并且极端排斥外国菜。The French are proud and highly xenophobic when it comes to cooking.

我有排外思想,正嫉妒地嘲笑这一想法!My xenophobic and argumentative Desi Bhais scorn this idea in jealousy ! ! !

从此也消除了我对上海人欺生和排外的成见。This also eliminates the I in Shanghai people cheat strangers and xenophobic stereotypes.

在意识形态上,穆塔基同伊朗第一保守党和恐外的总统也稍有不同。Yet ideologically Mr Mottaki differed little from Iran’s arch-conservative and xenophobic president.

马瑟科先生警告说,任何针对外国人的排外袭击罪行都不被容忍。Mr. Maseko warned that any xenophobic attacks perpetrated against foreign nationals would not be tolerated.

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“男性在对待部落级别的事务时依然可以像以前那样好斗、仇外,”Chapais博士写道。“Males could remain as competitive and xenophobic as before at the between-tribe level,” Dr. Chapais writes.

造纸术、印刷术、火药和指南针四大发明的故乡变得内向、排外和缺乏创造性。The birthplace of paper, printing, gunpowder, and the magnetic compass turned inward, uncreative, and xenophobic.

另一方面,因为他的犹太血统,布鲁姆常常遭受到市民排外、敌视的眼光。On the other hand, he is interpellated by the hostile gaze of the xenophobic citizens because of his Jewish heritage.

缅甸仇外的领导人试图在中国与印度和西方国家之间挑拨离间,以减少对中国的依赖。Myanmar's xenophobic leaders are trying to reduce their dependence on China by playing it off against Indiaand the West.

缅甸仇外的领导人试图在中国与印度和西方国家之间挑拨离间,以减少对中国的依赖。Myanmar’s xenophobic leaders are trying to reduce their dependence on China by playing it off against Indiaand the West.

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缅甸仇外的领导人试图通过让中国和印度、美国鹬蚌相争来降低其对中国的依赖。Myanmar's xenophobic leaders are trying to reduce their dependence on China by playing it off against India and the West.

中国对于缅甸保持稳定极为感兴趣,或许同任何其他政权相比,北京对缅甸军政府这个恐外政权也有着更大的影响力。China has a significant interest in a stable Burma and a greater influence over the xenophobic regime than perhaps any other power.

种族特征作为一种生物学事实和群体性的身体标记,在远古的历史时代便导致排外心理和种族-文化交叠的种族中心论。Racial features as the physical and biological mark of a group led to xenophobic psychology and ethno-cultural centralism in ancient times.

在其报告中,国际危机集团谴责仇恨死灰复燃和语言,什么叫做“排外民族主义科特迪瓦。”In its report, the International Crisis Group condemned a resurgence of hate language and, what it called, "xenophobic Ivorian nationalism."

“现在,距离世界杯开幕仪式只有不到一周时间了,而一旦该活动结束,大规模排外骚乱的威胁就会进一步放大”,他表示。Now, a week from the opening match of the World Cup, threats are mounting of further mass xenophobic violence once the event is over, ” he says.

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我们不想在这里排外,但中国人冲着我们的职业棒球队来了,而且他们愿意付出的价格是前所未见的。We don't want to be xenophobic here, but the Chinese are coming for our professional baseball teams. And they're willing to pay unheard of prices.

一些排外的媒体控诉美国救援队也将对灾后的日本撒手不管,想羞辱日本。Xenophobic newspapers published accusations that American relief teams were trying to humiliate the Japanese, putting a quick end to the era of good feeling.

可惜,没有人对她的厌恶的正告马亚,仇表面兄弟,谁在杀虫剂毁灭了房子,禁绝超出其做头发复合冒险她。Unfortunately, no one cautions Maia about her nasty, xenophobic cousins, who douse the house in bug spray and forbid her from venturing beyond their coiffed compound.