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卡扎菲暴躁蔑视的图像,面对罢黜在不断地闪烁着。Images of Gadhafi's fiery defiance flashed in the face of ouster.

首先是对驱逐萨莫斯校长迎来新校长的担忧。First is concern over the implications of Summers' ouster for an incoming president.

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他组织协调了冬季示威活动,最终导致了穆巴拉克的下野。He is your coordinator of the winterprotests that ultimately led to Mubarak’s ouster.

同是上访的人搜集了两位的残肢,喊着政党下台。Fellow petitioners collect their body parts and call for the ouster of the Communist Party.

甚至在孟买上个星期遭袭击之前,就有人呼吁把希夫拉杰.帕蒂尔赶下台。Calls for the ouster of Shivraj Patil had been heard even before last week's attack on Mumbai.

充满争议的措辞使得他近日被黜免空军参谋长的职位。That sort of controversial rhetoric recently led to Tamogami's ouster as the air force chief of staff.

监管机构并没有促使任何一位总裁下台也未要求任何董事会的变动。Regulators did not push for the ouster of any chief executives, or demand any specific board shake-ups.

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但是卡扎菲的罢黜必然会让他比以前更不愿走上核裁军的道路。But the lessons of Qaddafi's ouster will surely make him less inclined to this course than he was already.

数以千计的也门人在过去几个月的抗议活动中呼吁他下台。这些抗议活动已转变为暴力事件。Thousands of Yemenis have called for his ouster over the last several months in protests that have turned violent.

政府已经警告过示威人员不要把纪念日和沙王的罢免联系起来。The government has already warned against demonstrations to coincide with the anniversary of the ouster of the shah.

这两大阵营联合起来,要求驱逐礼萨汗的反动统治及建立议会。The two camps came together to demand the ouster of the shah’s prime minister and the establishment of a parliament.

不过,股市残酷的利箭已经消化了李艾科可能被解职的消息,它投了赞成票。Nevertheless, the cruel arrow of the stock market already has digested the possible ouster of Apotheker, and it votes yes.

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2004年,在农发行一些高管被指控挪用资金而落马后,郑晖受命担任农发行行长。Since his appointment to head the bank in 2004 following the ouster of some senior managers over embezzlement charges, Mr.

这场争论给颂猜总理更大的压力。几星期来,反对派团体一直占据泰国政府的主要办公大楼要求颂猜总理下台,并再次举行选举。For weeks, opposition groups have occupied the main government office building, demanding the ouster of Mr. Somchai and new elections.

在最近几个月,中产阶级反穆沙拉夫的抗议已经增加,这是因他驱逐最高法院的首席法官而触发的。Middle-class protests against Mr. Musharraf have risen in recent months, triggered by his ouster of the Supreme Court's chief justice.

周二,游行的第八天,数以万计的人汇集到开罗解放广场要求穆巴拉克下台。On Tuesday, the eighth day of demonstrations, hundreds of thousands went to Liberation Square in Cairo to demand Mr. Mubarak’s ouster.

这是发生在也门南部城市塔伊兹的抗议者在游行中高喊口号要求也门总统萨利赫辞职。Protesters shout slogans during a demonstration demanding the ouster of Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh in the southern city of Taiz.

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艾萨克森从乔布斯在硅谷卑微的出身开始撰写,从他早期在苹果的辉煌到颜面尽失地被自己创立的公司扫地出门。Isaacson begins with Job’s humble origins in Silicon Valley, the early triumph at Apple, and the humiliating ouster from the firm he created.

成千上万的人民民主联盟成员自上周起就占领了素万那普国际机场以及廊曼机场。他们把颂猜下台视为一次至为重要的胜利。Thousands of PAD members who have occupied the Suvarnabhumi and Don Muang airports since last week see Somchai's ouster as a crucial victory.

艾萨克森从乔布斯在硅谷卑微的出身开始撰写,他在苹果早期的辉煌,接着丢人现眼地被自己创立的公司扫地出门。Isaacson begins with Jobs’s humble origins in Silicon Valley, the early triumph at Apple, and the humiliating ouster from the firm he created.