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牛认识一个魔鬼。The Bull- man is a demon.

你儿子是个小调皮鬼。Your son's a little demon.

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她丈夫工作起来精力过人。Her husband is a demon for work.

马丁是一个干起活来不要命的人。Martin is a real demon for work.

这个魔鬼发出沉闷的漱口的声音。The demon let out a muffled gargle.

呵呵,一个无角的魔鬼。Well, a demon with invisible horns.

一个六足的黑色恶魔将他猛然按倒。A six-legged black demon tackles him.

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魔尊——鬼神界的统治者。Demonor, the Lord of the Demon plane.

妲己、一只迷人的妖精。Amanda yourself, a charming the demon.

黑石山,妖王洞。Black stone mountain, demon Wang Dong.

所以老树精就找不到我们了。So the old tree demon could not find us.

那是小妖风情万种的笑颜。It is small demon amorous feelings bloom.

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不管你是人是妖,我都爱你!Whether you're demon or woman, I love you!

对,但却是个守信用的恶魔,希望如此。Yes, but a demon of my word, I should hope.

小妖语气严肃,不像是开玩笑。Small demon tone serious, don't like joking.

陈超向小妖结算房租辞行。Chen to small demon settlement rent good-bye.

丁瑶问问天,为什么必然要镇妖瓶?DingYao ask days, why must town demon bottle?

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我看见鸦群,因时而生,有着邪灵般的眼神。I see the ravens fly, born of time, demon eye.

你也可能是被某个艺术化的神怪欺骗了双眼。Maybe it would be deceived by an artful demon.

这个魔鬼实际上意思是要给他东西。The demon meant in fact to give him something.