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危险?哈哈,我笑对危险!Danger? HA! I lough in the face of danger!

家是我们休息的场所,是我们生命的港湾。Home is the place for rest and the lough of our lives.

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班戈区北爱尔兰东部一自治市区,位于贝尔法斯特湖边。A municipal borough of eastern Northern Ireland on Belfast Lough.

英国最大的湖畔是北爱尔兰的内伊湖。The largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh in the Northern Ireland.

当前,高校出版社面临着严峻的经营环境。At present, the University Press is facing a lough business environment.

锦江之星是您的旅途中最好、最快乐的港湾。Star of Jinjiang hotel will be the best and happiest lough on your travel.

G8峰会在北爱尔兰厄恩湖度假村开幕。The opening of the G8 Summit at the Lough Erne Resort in Northern Ireland.

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两只硕大的白色天鹅,伸长着脖子沿河飞翔,朝着吉尔湖的方向。Two big white swans were flying above the river towards Lough Gill, head long stretched.

贝尔法斯特是北爱尔兰首府,位于拉根河在贝尔法斯特湾的人海处。Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland, on the River Lagan , at its entrance to Belfast Lough.

渐渐地,汽车远离了斯莱戈的灯火,驶入了茫茫夜色,月光里却映照出吉尔湖的湖光水色来。Slowly the bus left the lights of Sligo and drove into darkness. In the moon was reflected the light and color of Lough Gill.

粼粼白洋水,十里荷香浓,早在明代,这里就被称为莲花港,游客云集,华章篇篇。The water of the Lake is clear and the fragrance of lotus is rich. As early as the Ming Dynasty it is also called lotus lough.

在度假中,叶芝他还访问了位于斯莱戈以东吉尔湖湖岸的拥有巨大房地产的黑兹尔伍德家庭。On those vacations, he also visited the family that owned the huge Hazelwood estate on the shores of Lough Gill, east of Sligo.

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北爱尔兰东部一自治市区,位于贝尔法斯特湖边。是一港口、休假胜地及帆船运动中心。人口'7,'00。A municipal borough of eastern Northern Ireland on Belfast Lough. It is a seaport, resort, and yachting center. Population, '7, '00.

班戈区北爱尔兰东部一自治市区,位于贝尔法斯特湖边。是一港口、休假胜地及帆船运动中心。人口67,600。A municipal borough of eastern Northern Ireland on Belfast Lough. It is a seaport, resort, and yachting center. Population, 67, 600.

他的团队分析了爱尔兰洛蒙雷阿湖泥浆样本,发现了由海藻中方解石晶体构成的白色沉淀物涡旋层。His team analysed mud samples from Lough Monreagh in Ireland and discovered layers of white sediment made up of calcite crystals from algae.

报告称,在北爱尔兰的内湖过冬的鸭子数量急剧减少,这表明,冬天欧洲大陆某些地方的水域不再结冰。The report said that a dramatic reduction in duck numbers spending the winter at Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland, suggested some key bodies of water in Europe were no longer freezing over.

亭子位于多尼戈尔北部的阿兹森林公园一处岩石峭壁上,和以前的一座叫做杰弗里的湖挨的很近,“杰弗里的家”也是因此而得名。The folly is located on top of a rocky cliff in the Ards Forest Park in the northern county of Donegal, close to the site of a former lake called Jeffry's Lough from which it takes its name.