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当选择膨体纱编织毛衣。Select bulky yarn when knitting a sweater.

电视机体积大,会老、残旧的时候!TV is big, bulky and most of the time old!

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多纤纬的食物也是不错的选择。Bulky fibre-rich foods are also a good choice.

怎么去鼻子上的黑头,和毛孔粗大?。How to go the black head on nose, with pore bulky?

这些系统往往非常庞大,难以使用。Those systems are usually bulky and difficult to use.

他从外衣口袋掏出了一大摞稿子。He drew a bulky manuscript from his outside coat pocket.

这也会导致笨重的背部、大腿和屁股肌肉。It also results in bulky back, leg and rear-end muscles.

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而且没有那身累赘的衣服,我感觉灵活多了!And I am so much more agile without all those bulky clothes!

后部座舱面积可用于拖运大件货物。The rear seat cabin area can be used for hauling bulky cargo.

记者席经常放著的大写字台被搬走了。The press gallery has been voided of the customary bulky desks.

我看着那英俊的家伙卷起他那宽松外套的衣袖。I watched the gorgeous guy push up the sleeves of his bulky sweater.

卫星的巨大体型可能是它独一无二的起源的一种反映。The moon's bulky dimensions may be a reflection of its unique origin.

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非常重的物体或者像煤、水泥、矿石等堆积如山的原材料用吨计重。Very heavy objects or bulky materials like coal, cement, mineral ore.

不知怎的,或替代,他们将获得向受创伤的笨重崇拜。Somehow or alternative, they will got to traumatize their bulky adore.

一对夫妇站在那里——男的又矮又胖,女的又高又壮。A couple stood there -the man short and round, the woman tall and bulky.

一对夫妇站在那里--男的又矮又胖,女的又高又壮。A couple stood there ?the man short and round, the woman tall and bulky.

有胃肠道症状跟粪便中带有过量的油?。Have gastrointestinal symptoms and bulky stools with excess fat in feces?

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锁柜模块能装钱包,手机和大钥匙环。The locker module accommodates wallets, cell phones, and bulky key rings.

我通常使用耳机,不过它们通常是又大又重。And while I often use regular earphones, those are often too bulky and big.

像柱一样粗的腿,不同地踏着步子,好像一点也不觉得笨重。Column as thick as legs, to follow a different pace, as if that is not bulky.