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一个是无条件作用。One is unconditioned.

涅槃是一种无条件的状态。Nibbana is an unconditioned state.

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无条件反应是什么?What's the unconditioned response?

什么是无条件刺激?What's the unconditioned stimulus?

这里的无条件刺激是什么?What's the unconditioned stimulus?

那什么是无条件反应,恶心。What's the unconditioned response? Nausea.

有谁来回答一下,什么是无条件刺激?Okay. Anybody, what's the unconditioned stimulus?

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我本能的反应是转移我的目光。My unconditioned reaction was that I should look away.

一个人问,如果是这样,那不受制约的头脑是什么状态?If so, what is the state of a mind that has unconditioned itself?

这是尽对的、无条件的真理,那就是生命本身。This is the absolute, unconditioned Truth which is Life itimmolation.

条件反应是对无条件刺激的一种准备。The conditioned response is a preparation for the unconditioned stimulus.

它还表明,条件反应,可能会与非条件反射有所不同。And it says the conditioned response may be different from the unconditioned response.

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无条件作用是指,无条件刺激会引起无条件反应。An unconditioned is when an unconditioned stimulus gives rise to an unconditioned response.

也许你会以为经上对无缘起的描述合乎自己的体验。You might take descriptions of the Unconditioned and apply them to what you're experiencing.

开始时呈现无条件刺激,会出现无条件反应。And now the bell--When--You start off with the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response.

强化尝试是指条件刺激,与无条件刺激同时出现的时候。A reinforced trial is when the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus go together.

找出在非条件刺激不存在的情况下,能够使你感到恐惧的东西。Well, you show the thing that would cause you to have the fear without the unconditioned stimulus.

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GABA的抑制导致了无条件的忧虑和HPA调动,并且心率和血压都有所增加。Inhibiting GABA leads to unconditioned anxiety and HPA mobilization, as well as increased heart rate and blood pressure.

咬伤所带来的疼痛感,和有此所带来的痛苦与恐惧,就是无条件刺激和无条件反应。Now the pain of a bite, being bit, and then the pain and fear of that is an unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response.

使某器官对某一特定方式起反映的特性在该方式消失时仍然有效。To cause an organism to respond in a specific manner to a conditioned stimulus in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus.