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你是唯一的,无可取代。You are unique, irreplaceable.

在焦渴中,这是任何饮品都无法替代的。In Jiaohe, this is any drinks are irreplaceable.

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残酷的现实是,没有什么人是不可替代的。The harsh reality is that nobody is irreplaceable.

还有哪些不可替代的软件让你的电脑更好用呢?What irreplaceable software smooths out your desktop?

他在促成纲的生长方面具有不可替代性。He contributed to Tsuna's growth and is irreplaceable.

爱情之所以可贵,是因为它不能被替代。Love is valuable for it is irreplaceable. ------Xu Beihong.

它切断了我与兄弟间不可替代的关系。It has severed an irreplaceable relationship with my brother.

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文化对于人具有无可替代的教化作用。The culture plays an irreplaceable role in human edification.

每一个人都有一个独一无二的、无法取代的裹在脆弱外壳里的灵魂。Each of us is a unique, irreplaceable soul enclosed in a fragile shell.

离退休老同志在高等学校的发展中具有不可替代的作用。Retirees play an irreplaceable role in the development of a university.

这座城市人好多,少了一个你,却流失了无可取代的温度。City were much better, one less you have lost irreplaceable temperature.

目前,半导体激光打标机已具有不可替代的地位。At present, the semiconductor laser marking machine has irreplaceable position.

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数码影像已经在许多研究领域成为一种不可替代的工具。Digital photography has become an irreplaceable tool in many fields of research.

毫无疑问失去了乔布斯的高瞻远瞩固然有些可惜,但没有人是不可替代的。No doubt losing someone of Jobs' vision is difficult, but nobody is irreplaceable.

盖碗,在中国茶文化源远流长的历史上,有着不可取代的特殊地位。Chinese tea tureen holds a irreplaceable status in the history of Chinese tea culture.

龙门起重机在大型设备的生产和装卸上都起到不可替代的作用。Gantry crane plays an irreplaceable role in producting and handling of large equipments.

在大学科技园的发展中,单边和双边的作用再大也不能替代第三方。Tri-lateral synergia, no doubt, is irreplaceable in the process of the development of USP.

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从国家队和国家队的球迷观点上,姚明的位置是无人可以取代的。From the perspective of the national team, and its fans, Yao Ming was and is irreplaceable.

地被植物为营造城市园林景观发挥了不可替代的作用。Ground cover plants played an irreplaceable role in constructing the urban garden landscape.

在充满爬行动物和水母的海边,这种眼镜是必不可少的。This accessory is simply irreplaceable at the sea shore, among jellyfish and local reptiles.