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虚拟逻辑控制器。Vitual Logic Controller.

就从其控制器说起。Start with its controller.

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多控制器选项。Multiport controller option.

电视图像控制器?。VGC? Video Graphics Controller?

虚拟产品控制器?。VPC? Virtual Product Controller?

控制器的隆隆声已添加。Controller rumble has been added.

需要一个7800主控制器。Requires a 7800 Master Controller.

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将组件绑定到控制程序上Binding a component to the controller

将转柄转至自动运行位置。Set controller to automatic operation.

我们改造的主令控制器。We transformed the command controller.

控制器对用户的输入作出反应。The controller reacts to the user input.

带神经网络辨识器的鲁棒控制器设计。The design of robust controller with NN.

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我在视图控制器中有两个子视图。I have two subsists in a view controller.

电子控制器汽体回收。Electronic Controller for vapour recovery.

新的功能是主控功能和推子。New are the controller functions and sliders.

需要更换控制器上的DIMM。The DIMM on the controller needs replacement.

它对视图或控制器一无所知。It knows nothing about the view or controller.

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而这个新的层就被称作“控制器层”。This new layer is called the controller layer.

包括一个多达12个服务系统的伺服器。Includes a servo controller for up to 12 servos.

主令控制器是起重电气的一种。Master controller is a kind of electric lifting.