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也许他们并没有意识到数字电视革命将会带来什么。Perhaps they do not realize what the DTV revolution offers.

对其在数字电视和高清晰度电视检测上的应用也作了介绍。Its application in the test of DTV and HDTV is also described.

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这使我们国家数字电视产业发展面临着机遇和挑战。All of these developments bring opportunity and challenge for our DTV industry.

本文主要论述了数字电视机顶盒软件中用户接口界面模块的设计和实现。In this paper, the design and implementation of USIF in DTV STB software are presented.

随着向数字电视的不断过渡,想要找出一部便携式电视机变得越来越难了。Now that the DTV transition has happened, it's even more difficult to find portable handheld tellies.

在实际的数字电视技术应用中,以图文字幕叠加的应用最为常见。Video superimposing is widely used in DTV implement, which includes both TV logo insertion and caption adding.

分析其组成原理的基础上,提出了数字电视机顶盒的一种优化设计方案。An optimized design scheme of the DTV STB was proposed based on the analysis of the composition principle of it.

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数字电视的转换将影响成千上万使用模拟电视装置收看免费的无线广播电视节目的消费者。The DTV transition will affect millions of consumers who use analog television sets to view free over-the-air programming.

未来几年降幅将不会如斯庞大,但平板DTV的价钱已经降到了良多生产者能够承受的程度。Fall in the near future will not so tremendous, but the price of flat DTV had fallen a lot of consumer are OK susceptive level.

上个月,这个计算机行业的巨人与SONY公司达成协议将WINDOWS操作系统集成到将来的数字电视置顶盒中。Last month, the computer giant struck a deal with Sony to integrate the Windows operating system into future DTV set-top boxes.

非线性编辑系统是计算机技术和数字化电视技术相结合的产物,是目前电视节目制作的重要手段。As a combination product of computer and DTV technique, non-linear editing system is an important meaning in facture of TV program.

以客户为中心的CRM系统利用先进的技术及业务管理方法可以为广电数字电视业务的运营与管理提供基础保障。Based on the advanced techniques and management methods, CRM system provides the support for the DTV business operation and management.

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本文对海淀医院门诊科研楼弱电系统中的楼宇自控、综合布线、保安监控以及示教等系统进行了简要的介绍。This paper introduces the fact of Building Automation System, PDS, CCTV and DTV Education Assistant System in Beijing Haidian Hospital.

EIS是数字电视前端的管理调度系统,完成产品管理、加扰器的调度、CAS的同密管理等功能。EIS is to schedule and manage the front devices in DTV field, it can manage products, schedule scramblers, arrange CAS simulcrypt and so on.

提出了以基带解调器为核心的数字电视转发器的设计方法。This paper puts forward the design method of DTV transposer using baseband demodulator as its core based on the analysis of its present status.

IRD作为有线数字电视的前端接收设备,其功能的健全性和性能的稳定性对于数字广播节目的传输意义重大。At last, the TV programs are transmitted to end clients through cable DTV networks. IRD is front-end equipment for receiving cable DTV programs.

该电路采用二次变频低中频结构,集成了低噪声放大器、上变频混频器、下变频混频器等模块。An RF front-end circuit for a fully integrated CMOS DTV tuner is presented in this paper, where double-conversion low IF architecture is employed.

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提出了一种数字电视同密条件接收系统在终端设备上移植的方法,它具备简单、易用,可复用性高等特点。This Paper introduces a method for porting SimulCrypt conditional access system to DTV Receiver. This method is easy to use, flexible and highly reusable.

本文主要针对我们提出的数字电视传输方案电缆模式下的信道接收芯片的设计和实现进行了研究。This paper mainly focuses on the research and realization of the channel receiving chip according with the DTV transmission draft in cable which we proposed.

实验结果表明此设计完全能达到数字电视领域的应用要求,且具有良好的性能和应用前景。Experimental results show that the design completely meets the requirements of practical application in the field of DTV and has good performance and prospect.