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哪些年份的葡萄酒是您个人的最爱?Which year of Cheval Blanc is your favorite?

你开61年白马庄的那天,就是特别的日子。The day u open ur 61's Cheval Blanc IS a special day.

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大卫·雪娃和当时的妻子莉斯·雪娃一起经历了这个过程。David Cheval lived this process working with his then wife Liz Cheval.

另外一个很好的例子是莉斯·雪娃创造的。A great example of this process was seen early in Liz Cheval 's career.

矮杨梅分布与煤矿分布的相关性。The relation between the distributions of Myrica nana Cheval and that of coal.

部分菲基亚葡萄园是白马庄园所拥有的。此部分葡萄园所出产的葡萄酒,曾被冠以“菲基亚葡萄酒”出售。Part of Figeac's vineyard now owned by Cheval Blance used to be sold as "Vin de Figeac".

事实上一些海龟认为雪娃不好对付。The fact that some Turtles may not have taken Cheval seriously was not easy to deal with.

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哑妹不置可否,问小红楼真的会接纳雪娃吗。Dumb sister asked not to say yes or no, the small red chamber will really accept it cheval.

马肉片,你不能对马肉冰激凌指望太多,所以就有些虎头蛇尾了fillet de cheval r?ti, you couldn't do much with horse ice-cream, so it sort of trailed by the end.

雪娃公开承认他在使用丹尼斯的仓位原则。Cheval openly admitted that she adjusted the size of her trading positions using Dennis's model for volatility.

多年来,人们只知道海龟的故事中只有一位女性海龟--莉斯·雪娃。For years, people who were aware of the Turtle story have assumed that there was only one female Turtle, Liz Cheval.

有时候海龟们有自己的想法和偏见,尤其是莉斯?雪娃。The Turtle think tank did have occasional undercurrents and personal biases, particularly when it came to Liz Cheval.

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当小罗和舍瓦心平气和地坐在板凳上时,过去两周米兰的怪异气氛也没了。When Ronaldinho and calmly sitting in cheval on the bench, in the past two weeks, the Milan is also not a strange atmosphere.

在切尔西蹉跎岁月的两年令核弹头荒废了武功,所以舍瓦今天的表现才难能可贵。Chelsea wasted time in two years abandoned the ability to make nuclear warheads, so today, cheval only commendable performance.

哑妹带着雪娃冒着炎炎烈日在耕种着自家的地,一次次给姜云阳写信都杳无音讯。Dumb sister with Cheval braved the scorching sun in the cultivation of their own land, a letter to Jiang Yunyang without hearing a word about it.

雪娃很感激得到了这个培训的机会,但她有点憎恨海龟们。Cheval appreciated the fact that she was getting a great education in the program, but she may have had some residual animosity toward other Turtles.

雪娃没有公开说谁会成功,谁会失败,但是很明显知道她在说谁。Cheval never expanded publicly about which Turtles fell into which category, but the evidence about which Turtles she was referring to was becoming clear.

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五分钟之后,安德烈就全身化装妥当,离开了旅馆,叫了一辆双轮马车,吩咐车夫驶往洛基旅馆。Five minutes after , andrea left the hotel , completely disguised , took a cabriolet , and ordered the driver to take him to the cheval rouge , at picpus.

随后,丹尼斯讲了一个故事,问了个问题,对于问题的答案,柯蒂斯·费思回答“99”,莉斯·雪娃回答“1”。Later, Dennis liked to tell the story that he had asked that question of everybody and that Curtis Faith had replied "ninety-nine" and Liz Cheval had replied "one.

分而言之,杰瑞·帕克,莉斯·雪娃,汤姆·桑克斯,霍华德·辛德勒,吉姆·迪玛利亚,保罗·拉巴和他们的老师比尔·埃克哈特都有能力用丹尼斯的原则买卖。The bottom line is that Jerry Parker, Liz Cheval , Tom Shanks, Howard Seidler, Jim DiMaria, Paul Rabar, and their teacher Bill Eckhardt had entrepreneurial skills beyond trading Dennis's rules.