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这是中国登月项目中的“老黄牛”。This will be the workhorse of China's lunar programme.

指令是重写动作的真正执行机构。The RewriteRule directive is the real rewriting workhorse.

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茫德格喇夫加速器是研究原子结构的通用工具。Van de Graaff generators are the current workhorse of nuclear structure research.

发动机成为了哈雷戴维森的主要发动机,并一直持续到了1929年。The "F-head" engine becomes a workhorse of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle until 1929.

如今,他开着自己的面包车和一辆2008年新添的五菱车运货。Today he drives his workhorse van, and a second Wuling model he added in 2008, to haul goods.

各国央行都在紧锣密鼓,将金融市场的原始分析材料强塞进它们的工作母机模式中。Central banks are busy bolting crude analyses of financial markets onto their workhorse models.

标准的经济模型,比如新凯恩斯模型中的"拐点"并不能预测危机。Standard economic models, such as the "workhorse" new Keynesian model, did not predict the crisis.

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而在94年的美国世界杯上,巴西队教练对球队最后的问鼎起了举足轻重的作用。The coach was the workhorse of the 1994 Brazilian team that won the World Cup in the United States.

但是帕洛尔远远不止是一个干粗活的,在温格的监护下他步入巅峰。But Parlour was so much more than a workhorse and would blossom under the tutelage of Arsène Wenger.

传言托特纳姆热刺队同样对这名曾效力过朴茨茅斯和乌迪内斯的蓝领球员有兴趣。Tottenham Hotspur are also rumoured to be interested in the former Portsmouth and Udinese workhorse.

处理芯片是一台机器的马达,对于游戏来讲,图像处理功能是必需的。While the processor might be the workhorse of a machine, graphical capability is essential for games.

放到关于男性高管的报导当中,像波拉特这样的敬业表现还显得突出吗?Would details of workhorse habits like Porat's seem as remarkable in a story about a male executive ?

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之后,该模型又被许多经济学家从不同的方面加以扩展,至今仍然被视为开放宏观经济学领域的一个“母机模型”。Since then, the model was extended in various directions and is still the main "workhorse" of open-economy macroeconomics.

三角帆船一直是阿拉伯人在印度洋的主力交通工具,一如中国人仰赖木帆船往返东南亚。For Arab countries the dhow has been the workhorse of the Indian Ocean, as the junk has been for the Chinese in Southeast Asia.

姚明也许永远也不可能做到两年前那样,进行37分钟艰苦比赛,而火箭队准备好面对这个新的现实。Yao may never again be the 37-minute workhorse he was two years ago, and the Rockets are prepared to live with this new reality.

自2002年以来,通用汽车和上海汽车帮助柳州五菱改进了这种原本主要是农民和小店主驾驶的工艺简陋的农用车。Since 2002, GM and SAIC helped Wuling improve what were spartan workhorse vehicles used primarily by farmers and small shop owners.

三角帆船一直是阿拉伯人在印度洋的主力交通工具,一如中国人仰赖木帆船往返东南亚。For Arab countries the dhow has been the workhorse of the Indian Ocean, just as the junk has been for the Chinese in Southeast Asia.

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事实上,AECL旗下的这座无所不能的反应堆可以在特定情况下形成PCR正值并且不产生问题。In fact, the workhorse in the AECL stable, the CANDU reactor, can under certain conditions have a positive PCR and it's not a problem.

大额订单往往伴随着新机型的出现而出现,波音在最近6年都没有推出过737这一主力的新款机型。Big aircraft orders usually come when there is a new model, and Boeing hasn't rolled out a new version of its 737 workhorse in six years.

作为空间计划中的飞行器,航天飞机令人失望,它的成本太高,而且发射间隔时间太长。The space shuttle, the workhorse of the space program, proved to be somewhat of a disappointment, with large cost overruns and long delays.