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消费刺激更多的消费,对吧?Consumerism begets more consumerism, right?

我们如何从他的身上找到大众消费主义的新偶像?And how did we get the new icon of mass consumerism in his place?

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我喜欢这个主意,但是单看起来像这样的奢侈消费者权益运动。I love the idea, but the lists seem like such tributes to luxury consumerism.

品牌是向消费主义转移的第二个重要迹象。Brands are a second important piece of evidence of a shift toward consumerism.

这就像是一艘搁浅在北京的美国式消费油轮。It looks like a supertanker of American consumerism has run aground in the city.

一切都与之有关,难道你没看见么,头巾威胁到消费主义。It has everything to do with that, don't you see, hijab is a threat to consumerism.

巨大潜能频率,用来摧毁亚洲消费主义青年痴呆中的邪恶!High potential frequencies to eradicate evil in stupified by consumerism Asian youth!

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懒惰的人太多的可支配收入购买黄金从他们的表现粗鲁消费。Lazy people with too much disposable income buy gold from them in a show of crass consumerism.

你不需要消费主义是你变得开心,事实上,我认为生活没有他们会变得更好。You don’t need consumerism to be very happy — in fact, I’d argue that life is better without it.

格特在书中着重提到了由于中国消费主义影响而造成的社会强烈紧张感。Still, Mr. Gerth does give a strong sense of the tensions being caused by consumerism within China.

消耗主义让我们习性潦攀浪费。扔掉食物就好比偷走穷人和饿肚子的人的食物。Consumerism has accustomed us to waste. But throwing food away is like stealing it from the poor and hungry.

一方是发达国家拒绝批评他们“不计后果的消费至上主义”。On the one side we have “developed” countries refusing to have a critical look at their reckless consumerism.

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而我来到中国的这些日子里,却深深为这里盛行的利己主义和消费主义所震惊。When I go to China these days, I am struck by how much individualism there is, how much consumerism there is.

我们现在看到,比起之前在疯狂的消费者至上的时代,人们变得越来越亲近彼此。What we see now is people getting much closer to one another than they were during the crazy consumerism period.

他说当消费者愈来愈多,文化愈是重要,因为它让人感觉舒服、自信。He said that culture is important when consumerism is rising as it leads to self-confidence and feel-good factor.

洪东渌的奇妙的灯光盒子道出了商业主义与西方和东方在后现代的交会。Hung Tung- Lu's fantastical light-boxes speak of consumerism and the post-modern encounter between east and west.

我的粉丝们已经领悟了一些我只为些许有趣和消费评论才做的事,我太爱这个事实了。I love the fact my fans have picked up on something I really only did as bit of fun and a comment on consumerism.

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但是,我们能够把握时机——或者说我们能成功地以债务刺激消费恢复经济吗?But can we seize the moment – or will the temptation to restore the economy with debt-fuelled consumerism prevail?

最为重要的是,像这样身处在一个消费王国里还不花一分钱,那有多么爽啊!What was remarkable was how liberating it felt to be at a cathedral to consumerism like that and not spend a dime.

一对夫妇的福祉之中,旨在在炫耀消费的婚礼行业可能有很大差异。A couple of well-aimed jabs at the ostentatious consumerism of the wedding industry might have made a big difference.