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这无疑是考古学界的爆炸性发现。This was archaeological dynamite.

考古遗迹已经被关闭。Archaeological sites have been shut.

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阿富汗贾米清真寺的宣礼塔和考古遗址。Minaret and archaeological remains of Jam, Afghanistan.

仅考古记录难以支持这样一个故事。The archaeological record just doesn't support such a story.

考古学关于古代烹饪的证据是意义不明的。The archaeological evidence for ancient cookery is equivocal.

就在几年前,一项考古界谜团终于解开。Just a few years ago, a great archaeological mystery was solved.

我们中文系的学生在别人眼中是“考古学者”。We Chinese majors were looked upon as "archaeological scholars".

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东耶路撒冷的考古挖掘一直非常有争议。Archaeological digs in the East Jerusalem are highly controversial.

考古发现还有助于澄清一些迷团。Archaeological discoveries also help to clarify some of the mysteries.

而考古学上的证据显示这二个地方原本属于热带气候的。The archaeological evidence of these two places had a tropical climate.

该变化为什么会发生,如何发生,在考古学上还是一个谜。Why, and how, the change took place is still an archaeological mystery.

你可以加入考古学习更多古文化!You can join an Archaeological Dig and learn more about ancient cultures!

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这是最广泛的考古工作所进行海尔达尔。It is the most extensive archaeological work ever undertaken by Heyerdahl.

图来源于佛罗里达大学卡拉科尔考古项目Image courtesy University of Central Florida Caracol Archaeological Project

考古证据表明它活跃起来后将更具破坏性。Archaeological evidence suggests that when roused it is even more destructive.

至今,许多古埃及考古遗址都已被人类破坏,但这处古遗址保存完好。Nowadays, many archaeological sites in ancient Egypt have been destroyed by man.

考古发掘表明,北京是中华民族的发源地之一。Archaeological discovery has shown that Beijing is a cradle of the Chinese nation.

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第八版采用了最新的考古和金石学研究。The eighth edition incorporates the latest archaeological and epigraphic research.

“圣经的撰写过程便如同分层的考古遗址,”他说。"Think of the Bible the way you would a stratified archaeological site, " he says.

它位于危地马拉北部皮腾盆地的考古地区。It is located in the archaeological region of the Petén Basin in northern Guatemala.