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我对他总是捣乱很恼火。I'm very annoyed at his troublemaking.

但是不,艾奇逊说,还是要捣乱的,并且确定地要捣乱。But no, says Acheson, troublemaking will continue, and definitely so.

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目的探讨肇事肇祸精神分裂症患者的心理健康状况。Objective To explore mental health states for troublemaking schizophrenics.

两位警察立刻冲过去把他拉出来,以捣乱的罪名逮捕了他。The policemen immediately rushed into the river, pulled him out, and arrested him for troublemaking.

阿流浪汉小说是一个工作的细节小说,它讲述的是一个冒险的或捣乱的主角。A picaresque novel is a work of fiction that details the exploits of an adventurous or troublemaking protagonist.

对于他们,过上好日子的关键在于努力工作,正确的家庭观,以及离那些惹麻烦的艺术家和外国佬远远的。For them the key to a good life is hard work, good family values and avoiding troublemaking artists and foreigners.

Quartz指出,这并非学术界首次研究儿童时代的捣乱行为与成年后薪酬的关系。As Quartz notes, this isn't the first time a study like this has linked childhood troublemaking to wages in adulthood.

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警方人士说,枪手,去年离开这所学校,据说有很长的捣乱的历史。Police sources said the gunman, who left the school last year, was previously known to them, having reportedly had a long history of troublemaking.

他表示,北京反对任何一方在这一地区的挑衅言行,不允许在中国的家门口生事。He said that Beijing opposes any provocative words and actions from any party in the region and does not allow troublemaking at the doorsteps of China.

这名象牙海岸前锋上个月站出来坚定的支持穆里尼奥,他谴责最近的更衣室是非,把它归咎于近来球队糟糕的表现。The Ivory Coast striker came out strongly in support of Mourinho last month as he blamed boardroom troublemaking for a poor run of results on the pitch.

你知道,我有很多要感激的。我很感激能够有三个漂亮,健康,又捣蛋的孩子。我很感激能有每个男人都梦寐以求的最美丽的妻子。You know, I have a lot to be grateful for. You know, I have three beautiful, healthy, troublemaking kids. I have the prettiest wife a man could wish for.

他们已经在网上公布了那天带头“闹事”的中国学生的姓名,学校,电话号码等资料。They've already put the name, campus, phone number and other information belonging to the Chinese students at the forefront of "the troublemaking " that day online.

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该网页已经有了20000多条的评论,网管指出所有发布人肉搜索结果的ID将因制造事端而被禁止发言一个月。This page, which has already garnered more than 20,000 comments, went on to state that "all ID's which publish human flesh search information will be banned for one month for troublemaking."