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愿救我的神被人尊崇。Exalted be God my Savior!

他被捧上天了。He was exalted to the skies.

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惟你耶和华是至高,直到永远。But you, O Lord , are exalted forever.

巴文克﹕荣耀的基督有多方面的工作。Bavinck—the exalted Christ has much work to do.

莎士比亚的抒情诗激发了听众的想像力。The lyrics of Shakespeare exalted the audience.

耶稣现在以灵体住在至高的荣耀里。Jesus now lives in the spiritual state of exalted glory.

分钟前更新08款赛拉图还有雾灯和高位刹车灯吗?Do 08 Sailatu still have fog lamp and exalted brake light?

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这个从本尊来的无上身份,在每个境相里。This Supreme Identity of the Exalted Self is in every image.

所以,高尚的德行是一个领导干部政治生命的根基。So, exalted mitzvah is a basis that leads cadre politics life.

我要使我的一切山岭变为大路,并把我的街道修高。And I will make all my mountains a way, and my paths shall be exalted.

我必使我的众山成为大道,我的大路也被修高。And I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways shall be exalted.

班特此断片是绿色,白色,以及蓝色。其关键字是颂威。The shard of Bant is green, white, and blue. Its keyword ability is exalted.

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你高举了他仇人的右手,使他的敌人都满心欢愉。You have exalted the right hand of his foes, have gladdened all his enemies.

因为上帝的受苦受难,祂名就更被高举,受尊荣。Say, rather, Thou are the more exalted and honored because of Thy sufferings.

奉我们救主基督至高之名向您问候!Greetings to you in the most exalted name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

据说连裕仁天皇本人亦将海鲜从他的食谱中删掉了。The exalted Emperor Hirohito himself was said to have eliminated seafood from his diet.

公司对我的专业和背景感兴趣更是让我欣喜万分。I am so exalted that your company is interested about my major and background conditions.

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因为祂自己卑微,以至于死在十字架上,所以神将祂升为至高。Because He humbled Himself to the death of the cross, therefore God hath highly exalted Him.

超越这点,那么有时它遗留只是卡利班或是魔鬼。Exalted beyond this, as it sometimes is, it remains Caliban still and still plays the beast.

这案子的性质及其委托人的高贵地位,却使它具有其本身应有的特色。The nature of the case and the exalted station of his client gave it a character of its own.