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她说父母不应该原谅这种行为。She said parents shouldn't condone this.

联合国对私营军事嗤之以鼻,我们绝不容忍“唯利是图”的做法。We don’t condone “mercenaries, ” sniffs the UN.

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你能宽恕企业家歪曲事实吗?Do you condone truth-twisting for entrepreneurs?

千万不要纵容自己,给自己找借口。Do not condone their own, find excuses for himself.

为了某种原因,我不能緃容自己留住你。For some reason, I can not condone my own to keep you.

必须将参与、宽恕或协助这种行为的人绳之以法。People who perpetrate, condone or facilitate it must be brought to justice.

菲律宾及远东国家反对网上交友配对网站。The Philippines and Far Eastern countries do not condone online dating sites.

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该频道同意以后将剪掉所有美化和宽容吸烟的镜头。The channel agreed to cut scenes in future which glamorise or condone smoking.

中国无视人类痛苦而选择纵容残酷野蛮的北韩政权。China disregards human suffering for her to chose to condone brutal barbaric N.

我并不宽恕暴力,但是在这种情况下,阉割是最好的解决办法。I don't condone violence but in this case castration will be the best solution.

我确实认为这是盗窃,但也许我们有必要容忍它。Yes, I do believe it's theft but perhaps it is necessary to condone that theft.

我们公司是不允许或容忍任何理由的歧视的。We do not condone or tolerate discrimination within our business for any reason.

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但是Brigeport公立学校行政人员讲他们不能容忍不合适的服装。But Bridgeport public school officials say they don't condone inappropriate attire.

我们告诉这些孩子,但是他们阴沉的骆驼是坏美化、纵容酗酒。We tell these kids that Joe Camel is bad for them but glamorize and condone alcohol.

“任何一个关心网络安全的人都不会宽恕名单的泄漏,”他说。"No one interested in cyber safety would condone the leaking of this list," he said.

不过作为革命者,我们不能宽恕对于工人阶级以及无辜人群的袭击。But as revolutionaries, we cannot condone attacks on working people, on the innocent.

是什么使得表面看起来如此理性的一对夫妇可以宽恕如此明显的粗野的行为?What could make a seemingly rational couple condone behavior that is so obviously rude?

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喜欢看他站在拳击台上也用不着宽恕那些每天挨揍的小孩。You don’t have to condone kids getting beat up every day to enjoy seeing him in the ring.

传统的社会规范容许对有身体残疾的人的歧视。Traditional social norms condone discrimination against persons with physical disabilities.

速比涛是第一家跟瑞安·罗切特断绝关系的赞助商,速比涛表示,不能宽恕罗切特的所作所为。Speedo is the first sponsor to cut ties with Ryan Lochte, saying it cannot condone his behavior.