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我要的是正义。I want justice.

抑或是正义得到了伸张?Justice served?

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这关乎司法公正。It is about justice.

把它寄给主持公道。Send it for justice.

不过我要的是正义。Still I want justice.

那司法部呢?Department of Justice?

正义有长臂…天网恢恢,疏而不漏。Justice has long arms.

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但这是哪一种的正义呢?But what kind of justice?

让仁慈来缓和峻法吧。Let mercy season justice.

以仁慈来缓和峻法。Season justice with mercy.

正义必将得到申张。Justice will assert itself.

正义需要反思。Justice requires reflection.

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这种义愤不合理么?Doesn't this outrage justice?

公平是法律的原则。Justice stands behind the law.

他们受到了公平的赏罚。Justice was meted out to them.

他表示愿意维护正义。He proffered to uphold justice.

正义是不会生锈的金属。Justice is a noncorrosive metal.

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人类正义和神圣的正义Human Justice and Divine Justice.

斯卡利亚法官赞同大卫Justice Scalia agreed with David.

正义即一个人的忠诚。Justice is devotion to one's own.