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现在我把GetInt去掉了,这是什么意思?Now what does it mean to cull GetInt?

对美国较小银行的剔除将继续下去。The cull of smaller American banks will continue.

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所以接下来我挑选CS50函数库中的函数。GetInt So next I cull the CS50 function called GetInt.

别怕丢弃任何你曾依赖的信息源。Don’t be afraid to cull the information sources you rely on.

毕竟以后你总会慢慢去除那些不足和荒谬的地方。After all, you can always cull the fluff and ridiculous later.

我是不敢把这些都扔掉的,但是我会冒险挑一些来扔掉。I daren't dispose of all of them, but I think I will risk a cull.

什么时候碳市场会被淘汰或溃败还不清楚。It's not clear at what point this will turn into a cull or a rout.

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Unity会自动剔除视见平截头体之外的对象。Unity will automatically cull objects outside the viewing frustum.

我们必须射杀一些鹿因为如果不这样就会带来很大的损失。We have to cull deer because ¬otherwise they would do huge damage.

如果是在一个表中,那么您必须执行一次投影操作来过滤数据。In the case of a table, you must do a projection operation to cull the data.

上周,一群议员因为一个筛选部长的电话,闹了不少花边新闻。A group of MPs last week caused much amusement with a call to cull ministers.

不过我也理解有时候你们得从兽群中剔除弱者。But I also understand that sometimes you have to cull the weak from the herd.

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如果你可以找到一个方法来剔除更多的渲染,那么这三点就可以被降低。All three of these can be reduced if you can find a way to cull more renderers.

但以下是我们通过网上搜索“奥巴马的同胞”,然后提炼出来的一份名单。But here's what we've been able to cull from Web search about Obama's half-sibs.

你把这种大规模人口剔除描述为“长久侵袭”或者“回到更理智的世界”。You describe this mass cull as "a long descent" or a "retreat to a saner world".

他们也不喜欢猎人,所以我们没有办法阻止狼群袭击我们的牲口。And they don't like hunters, so we can't cull the wolves attacking our livestock.

该州反对派领导人曾呼吁扑杀该病毒的自然宿主——蝙蝠。The state opposition leader had called for a cull of bats, the virus natural host.

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你们这些家伙是认真的吗?中国?拜托,这就像是给中国一把剑,然后让它砍死你。Are you guys serious?? China??? Common – its like gifting them a sword to cull you.

该公司公关部主任克里斯蒂安·柯尔说,波音787和现在市场上其它的客机都不一样。Its Communications Director, Christian Cull says it is unlike anything else on the market.

右击模型选择属性,在属性框中打开背面显示。Also right click on your model and select properties. In there click on the backface cull box.