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唐纳也对美中关系发表评论。Downer also commented on China-U.

糖尿病的确令人非常沮丧,它是一种终身疾病。It's a real downer. Diabetes is a lifelong illness.

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唐纳需要您从高向低在20分钟内基本持平。Downer takes your from high to low in 20 minutes flat.

然后就是想办法,我努力让自己不要那么沮丧。And just try to, I try to not be the downer in a situation.

我试着乐观一点。试着不去做一个扫兴的人。I try to look on the bright side. I try to not be a downer.

同时,大多数人都不喜欢在初次约会时去看淫秽片。And most would hate to see a raunchy downer on a first date.

对供应过剩的忧虑,仍是压制一个高度周期化行业市场人气的最大因素.Concerns about oversupply remain the biggest downer for a highly cyclical industry.

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通常用在制造杀菌剂、消毒剂、脱臭剂、镇定剂等。It is usually used for producing antiseptic, disinfector, deodorant and downer etc.

球赛唯一令人沮丧的,是谢菲尔德联的中锋赫斯令人不安的足踝骨折受伤。The only downer is a nasty ankle break for Sheffield United's centre-forward Hulse.

有时候,与婚后的朋友和家庭在一起,的确是一件沮丧的事情。Sometimes it can be a real downer to hang around with your married friends and family.

对于一个想以社交网络而出名的公司来说,这应该算得上是真正的镇定剂和好消息!That’s a real downer for a company that wants to be known for social connections and good news.

一旦身体里的肾上腺素退去,令人沮丧的事情总是身体上的,疲倦、感冒、流感和其他病毒。Once the adrenalin wears off, the downer is often physical — exhaustion, colds, flu and other viruses.

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这种常识性的结论令此书不至于被归到“完全让人沮丧”一类。It's this kind of commonsense conclusion that keeps the book from being tossed in the "total downer" bin.

“扫兴者是一种让他进入你生活时你必须小心的人,因为这种性格会感染他人”,耶格说。"The Downer is a person you have to let into your life with care because this trait can be contagious," Yager says.

我们没有取得这次世界杯,事实是我们从来没有尽力打过一场好比赛,这让人十分扫兴。We underachieved at this World Cup and the fact that we never played good football, like we can, is an added downer.

“扫兴者是一种让他进入你生活时你必须小心的人,因为这种性格会感染他人”,耶格说。"The Downer is a person you have to let into your life with care because this trait can be contagious, " Yager says.

认了吧,套套会让人兴致全无。要怎么才能说服男生用它、并认准杜蕾斯品牌呢?Let's face it. Condoms are a bit of downer. So how do we convince guys to put it on? And make durex the favoured choice.

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美国道安公司,作为一家全球性的投资银行,拥有分布在美国、欧洲、澳洲的多家分支机构。C. W. Downer & Co. is a global investment banking firm with additional offices in Europe, the United States and Australia.

理想而言,你可能想在服用镇定剂之前做这些—在你处于“暴风中心“时,它会充当救生工具。Ideally, you’ll want to do this before you’re in a downer — it serves as a life preserver when you’re in the “eye of the storm”.

“就个人而言,我认为劳里布里尔顿的一个非常能干的经营者,但陆克文很高兴羞辱,令他尴尬,”唐纳说。"Personally, I think Laurie Brereton's a very competent operator, but Rudd was happy to humiliate and embarrass him, " Mr Downer said.