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吃饭也没有食欲。I had no appetite.

你的胃口怎么样?How's your appetite?

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我的食欲减退了。My appetite fell off.

我一点胃口都没有。I have no appetite at all.

不过我已经没胃口了!But I have lost my appetite.

那个小孩很好胃口。The baby has a good appetite.

希望你有个好胃口。I hope you have a good appetite.

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我今天没有太多胃口!Idon't have much appetite today.

他叫嚷说自己没有胃口。He exclaimed that he had no appetite.

杰弗逊有行动的愿望。Jefferson had an appetite for action.

不要吃太多零食搞坏了胃口。Don't spoil your appetite by snacking.

丈夫吃起饭来胃口很好。M Y husband eats with a good appetite.

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当然能去。我会留着胃口的。Sure . I'll save my appetite for that.

食物的气味挑起了我的食欲。The smell of food whetted my appetite.

她吃缋了美食。She cloyed her appetite with rich food.

公众对丑事总是喜闻乐道。The public has an appetite for scandal.

这些菜肴能刺激你的食欲。These dishes can quicken your appetite.

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这本侦探小说正对我的胃口。This detective novel meets my appetite.

这类中药的药效是开胃消食。This medicine will work up an appetite.

劳动了一整天,他饭吃得特别香。A good day's labour got his appetite up.