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刹车油位低。Brake fluid level low.

空气中弥漫着清洁液的清香。It smelled of cleaning fluid.

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渗出,流出渗出液体,如植物的液汁。To exude a fluid such as sap.

因体液潴留而体重增加Weight gain from fluid retention

盛放工作液。Puts the driving fluid abundantly.

检查一下车中水和油的液面。Check the fluid levels in your car.

如果没有津液,气就无法存在。Qi cannot exist without body fluid.

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北京同福流体磁化设备公司。Tongfu Fluid Magnetization Equip Co.

一些液体正从树里流出来。Some fluid was flowing from the tree.

淀粉糊为假塑性流体。Starch paste was pseudoplastic fluid.

含有杀菌剂以延长切削液使用寿命。Contains biocide to extend fluid life.

流线型的曲线,可以先粗绘出来。Fluid bezier curves start out roughly.

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第四,津液是气的载体。Fourth, body fluid is a carrier of qi.

氦和氩都是单原子气体。Helium gas was the thermometric fluid.

牛奶是液体,蝌蚪游泳其中。Semen is a fluid in which sperms swim.

检查手排变速箱液位。Check the manual transaxle fluid level.

流体包括气体和液体。Fluid includes both gasses and liquids.

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握住肛管直至液体全部注入。D. Hold tubing until fluid is instilled.

而腹膜则会吸收这些液体。The peritoneum then reabsorbs the fluid.

所以,我认为那里的形势非常易变。So, I think the situation there is fluid.