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根本没有剽窃米歇尔的演讲。There's no cribbing of Michelle Obama's speech.

说她剽窃米歇尔的用词简单是疯了。To think that she'd be cribbing Michelle Obama's words is crazy.

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最不成功的人可以发现周围有关行规的恶癖。Most unsuccessful people could be found cribbing about system around.

可以把废墟中发现的横梁等木条经过加工制成支架。Cribbing can be made out of pieces of tim ber found in the debris and cut to size.

当问及这男孩子时,他承认该答案是他从一本私藏的书里抄来的。When questioned, the boy admitted to cribbing the answer from a book he was hiding.

啃木头的行为可能发展成更严重的咬槽癖和咽气癖。Chewing on wood, can progress to the more serious condition of cribbing and wind sucking.

支架表面必须没有任何油漆或加工的痕迹,因为这会使木材打滑,特别是当它湿了的时候。Cribbing surfaces should be free of any paint or finish because this can make the wood slippery, especially when it is wet.

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支架表面须未经油漆或打磨,因为这会使木材打滑,特别是潮湿的时候。Cribbing surfaces should be free of any paint or finish because this can make the wood slippery , especially when it is wet.

不要抱怨生活,他们应该明白每个人都有机会活在这个世界上并且有追求最好生活的权利。Instead of cribbing about life they should have thought that everyone gets a chance to live once and lets get the best out of it.

当谈到婚纱业发展的弊端时,国内市场所特有的款式仿制抄袭现象是所有人为之头疼的问题。When the drawbacks when it comes to wedding industry, domestic market-specific style imitation cribbing is the headache of all human problems.

但一开始泰特姆主要是依靠自学,照搬弹玩具钢琴的方式,听留声机和收音机广播,从他所遇到的音乐家那里学习。But Tatum was primarily self-taught, cribbing from piano rolls, phonograph recordings and radio broadcasts while learning what he could from musicians he encountered.