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太空营。Space camp.

夏令营?Summer camp?

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我喜欢“蹲点”。I love to camp.

我们回营去吧。Let's go back to camp.

现在我们回到了营地。Now we’re back at camp.

我离营地有多远"How far am I from camp?"

我正站在新标准的营地里”。I'm in the New Normal camp.

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为失聪或听障者提供育乐营。For deaf or deaf offer camp.

他飞步走到军营出口。He bolted for the camp exits.

青年营将于17日闭营。The camp will end on Aug. 17.

那些男人在营地的周围不停地走动。The men move around the camp.

他们在河边搭帐篷。They pitched camp by the river.

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这真是晴天霹雳。This was a thunderbolt in camp.

您是如何知道这次的营队?How did you hear about our camp?

我要被转移到别的集中营去。I am being sent to another camp.

小本被送去参加一个绘画冬令营。Little Ben goes to Drawing Camp.

芝加哥国语福音营预备及报名。May 24-26, Mandarin Gospel Camp.

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一个女孩在大猩猩旁边安顿下来One-girl Camp Set Up Near Chimps

假设另一阵营是正确的,又如何?What if the other camp is right?

疯狂英语集训营是什么?What is intensive training camp?