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没有任何人能停止这个男人的所谓表现。Nobody can stop the one-man show, buy vibram five finger.

友谊如金钱个别,轻易得到却不易坚持。Friendship is like money, Vibram Five Fingers, easier made than kept.

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另外还得记住,Vibram的Bikila是他们第一款专门设计的跑鞋。Keep in mind also that the Vibram Bikila is the first Vibram model designed specifically for running.

然而,裸脚跑步指的穿上可以模仿裸脚的类鞋来跑,就如Vibram的五指鞋。More common, however, is running in a “shoe” that simulates barefoot running, like the Vibram Five Fingers.

每个巍跋然新产品的构想都是为使用者各种要求提供最好对策。Each new Vibram product is designed using only the latest designs and the best compounds for its specific use.

你可以有多种选择,如Vibram牌的,不过在我看来,那只不过是增加一双鞋而已。There are a few options available, such as the Vibram brand, but in my opinion, that’s just buying more running shoes!

一些跑步者坚持穿维布兰为赤脚跑步设定的鞋子,但很多读者告诉我们,他们也不会放弃穿构造合理的鞋进行每天的慢跑。Some runners swear by Vibram barefoot running shoes, but many readers have told usthey'll never give up structured shoes for their daily jog.

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巍跋然是高性能橡胶鞋底的世界领先品牌,专门针对户外活动、工作、休闲时尚、鞋底修补与整形市场。Vibram is the world leader in high performance rubber soles, targeted to the outdoor, work, recreation, fashion, repair and orthopedic markets.

巍跋然在提升安全性能和加强保护的想法中诞生,并在我们星球的第一个角落书写着神话传说,并不断致力于研究和开发。Vibram soles , created with a desire to increase safety and protection levels, are the result of a constant commitment to research and development.

其30年代首创了为登山者专门设计的橡胶鞋底,给登山运动带来革命性的影响,巍跋然产品也成为市场的参考标准。Since revolutionizing the sport with the creation of the first rubber sole for mountain climbing in the '30s, Vibram has positioned itself as the market standard.