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她每天都跑步炫舞社区怎么捡贝壳是为了减肥。She ru everyday in order to lose weight.

景德镇瓷与汝瓷无关。Jingdezhen porcelain is unconcerned with Ru porcelains.

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2003年,Tam晋升为多农省Dakru公社的警察局局长。In 2003 Tam was promoted to police chief of Dak Ru commune.

汝窑传世作品不足百件,因此非常珍贵。Ru handed down less than one hundred works, so very precious.

难道当年的折辱仇恨已经消淡了?Those early years' folding Ru old grudge have already eliminated thin?

难道当年的折辱仇恨已经消淡了?Those early years' folding Ru old dislike have already excluded svelte?

当他在那样的场合捧腹大笑时,房间里的人都吃了一惊。E RU everybody in the room surprised at him as he guffawed on the occasion.

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钌是贵重金属,从旧电极上与阳极泥中回收钌有重要价值。As a kind of precious metal, reclaiming Ru from anodic mud is of great value.

垃圾虫在去年中秋节后遗下159公吨垃圾。Litterbugs dro ed 159 to es of ru ish during last year's Mid-Autumn Festival.

这种RU型硅碳棒通常从冷端部穿过炉壁进行安装。The RU is normally installed with the cold end through the wall of the furnace.

汝窑和官窑是北宋时期的两大名窑。Ru kilns and Guan kilns are the two large famous kilns in Northern Song Dynasty.

蓝仕德说自己要跟奕茹好好的面对病魔,一定能抗争过去。Lan Shide said they want to face the disease to Ru Yi, will struggle in the past.

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胡庶华是我国近现代一位杰出的教育家。RU Shu-hua is an outstanding educator in the history of Chinese higher education.

消防处出动多部橡皮艇和一部直升机救出被洪水围困市民。Ru er boats and a helicopter were used to evacuate people stranded by the deluge.

“入木三分”就是从这个故事中得出来的,用来形容书法有力。"Ru Mu San Fen" is got from this story, which means the calligraphy is penetrating.

汝南的地方官,接到了捕促范滂的命令,便带领官兵,去到范滂的家乡。Upon receiving the order, the local official in Ru Nan, led soldiers to Fan Pang's home.

探讨了汝瓷的呈色机理和烧制技术。Thus, the coloring mechanism and firing technology of Ru porcelain are revealed entirely.

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对比同时期的汝官窑可以得到令人惊讶的一致感觉。A striking similarity can be detected by comparing it with the Ru ware of the same period.

众多从事中俄间贸易的公司将天津海铁联捷作为其首选承运人,为此,我们深感自豪。SWIFT is proud to be the master carrier for so many companies trading between China and Ru ia.

韩茹真走回了自己的房间,打开了韩信留给她的视频,知道了一切真相。Han Ru really walked back to his room, opened the han xin video for her and know all the truth.