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买麻藤雌雄异株,具穗状花序。G. montanum is dioecious with spike inflorescence.

花序轴“之”字形弯曲的有限花序。A determinate cymose inflorescence with a zigzag rachis.

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花序越老,它的颜色越深。The older the inflorescence is, the darker the color is.

花序类型为圆锥状二歧聚伞花序。The inflorescence pattern belonged to paniculate dichaisa.

具有单一主轴的聚伞花序类型。A type of cymose inflorescence with only a single main axis.

聚伞花序无总梗或很短。Poly umbrella without the inflorescence stems or very short.

大约44个叶片将出庭花序。Approximately 44 leaves will appear before the inflorescence.

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二月下旬,花序原体在枝顶出现。Inflorescence primordia occur at shoot apices in late February.

花序原体于四月中旬在枝顶出现。Inflorescence primordia are formed at shoot apices in mid April.

整个复总状花序由主枝和1~3级侧枝构成。The inflorescence consisted of main branch and 1-3 lateral branch.

小枝和花序轴疏生短柔毛或者被微柔毛。Branchlets and inflorescence rachis sparsely pubescent or puberulent.

花序顶生,头状,单生或成对的,6-10毫米直径。Inflorescence terminal capitate solitary or geminate 6-10 mm in diam.

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从主轴分出两个以上分支的聚伞状花序。A cymose inflorescence with more than two branches from the main axis.

花序的构型严重影响谷粒生产量。Grain yield is heavily influenced by the architecture of the inflorescence.

总状的花序达7厘米在果期,密被黄色短柔毛。Inflorescence racemose to 7 cm at fructification , densely yellow pubescent.

花两性,白色,单生叶腋或成聚伞花序。The flower is bisexual, white, only leaf armpit or Cheng Jusan inflorescence.

因此,玫瑰的花芽是单生的而不形成花序。So the flower bud of Kushui Rose was individual and did not form inflorescence.

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花序不规则总状的,达12厘米,疏松,或花簇生,香。Inflorescence irregularly racemose, to 12 cm, lax, or flowers fascicled , scented.

花序中部为两性的管状花,棕色或紫色,坚固。Inflorescence is mid the tubular flower that is a couple, brown or purple, strong.

腋生的花,单生或簇生,顶生的为短的花序的有时。Flowers axillary, solitary or fascicled , sometimes in short terminal inflorescence.