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这一海港曾经有繁盛的海外贸易。This harbour teemed with oceangoing commerce.

许多远洋船只在这条运河上航行。Many oceangoing ships are sailing on the canal.

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一年之内,他吸引“捕获”了好几艘远洋航行船随行。Within a year, he had acquired several oceangoing vessels.

伯尼对海盗有所了解,因为他喜欢出海。Bernie knew about piracy, because he was an oceangoing person.

有两个团体的拖船,无论是内陆或远航。There are two groups of tugboats, either Inland or Oceangoing.

他们建成一个凸式码头供停靠远洋货轮使用。They have thrown out a pier to accommodate oceangoing freighters.

远洋鱼类所含大量的汞,也是从海外的源头而来。A lot of the mercury in oceangoing fish also hails from sources abroad.

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那些北大西洋上最大的远洋船到达了,离开了。The biggest oceangoing ships on the North Atlantic arrived and departed.

1525年,中国下令毁掉所有远洋船只。By 1525, the authorities ordered that all oceangoing vessels be destroyed.

在他的航运事业高峰期,他拥有60艘远洋船只。At the height of his shipping career, he owned about 60 oceangoing vessels.

长堤港务局的希瑟·汤姆利说,远洋商船造成很大的污染。Heather Tomley with the Port of Long Beach says oceangoing vessels are the worse.

更为重要的是,中国拥有用于跟踪其导弹和飞船的远洋船只。What is more, China has four oceangoing ships to track its missiles and spacecraft.

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目的分析远洋测量船噪声强度对作业人员听力的影响。Objective To explore the hearing changes in seamen exposed to oceangoing vessel noise.

成千上万远洋航行的漂浮物传回关于海水性质的数据以及潮流的数据。Thousands of oceangoing floats send back data on water properties and, therefore, currents.

为什么他在没有水上舰队,没有运兵船,只有29艘远洋潜艇的情况下就开战?Why did he start the war with no surface fleet, no troop transports and only 29 oceangoing submarines?

长堤港务局的希瑟·汤姆利说,远洋商船造成很大的污染。Heather Tomley with the Port of Long Beach says oceangoing vessels create a significant amount of pollution.

但据我所知,以前我曾接触过几艘停靠我港的远洋轮。However, to my knowledge, I have come into contact with several oceangoing freighters calling at our port before.

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是主要的货物进口港,有可容纳海船的深水道。It is a major port of entry served by a deepwater channel that accommodates oceangoing ships. Population, 98,962.

近来,秘鲁鱼粉在远洋运输过程中屡次发生自然事故。Recently, there have been a substantial number of cases of self-heating of Peruvian fishmeal during oceangoing transport.

“1500年政府规定建造两个桅杆以上的船就是死罪,1525年政府下令销毁所有远洋船只。”capital offense to build a boat with more than two masts, and in 1525 the Government ordered the destruction of all oceangoing ships.