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奥狄修斯是传说中的希腊英雄。Odysseus was a legendary Greek hero.

奥迪赛想要查看这座岛。Odysseus wanted to explore the island.

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奥德修斯的脸马上就黑了And Odysseus says that that was a black remark.

奥德修斯集帆尽快在日落时分。Odysseus sets sail as soon as the sun goes down.

就那样奥迪赛逃离了这个可怕的巨人。And in that way Odysseus escaped the terrible giant.

瑙西卡带着奥德修斯去她父亲的宫殿。Nausikaa leads Odysseus to the palace of her father.

奥德修斯也曾经有过一个能长生不老的机会Odysseus also was offered an opportunity to live forever.

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塞西把奥德赛的几个同伴都变成了猪。Crice metamorphosed the companions of Odysseus into swine.

最后奥迪赛只剩下一条船和少数几名船员。Finally, Odysseus had only one ship and a small crew left.

在那儿,当奥德修斯前去征求他的意见时,泰瑞西斯帮助了他。There he helped Odysseus when the hero came to him for advice.

奥迪赛看到了这个情形,他和他的同伴就抓了那些最大只的羊。Odysseus saw this. He and his companions took the biggest sheep.

两个都柏林周边的醉鬼就像爱情海上的奥德修斯。Two drunkards meander around Dublin like Odysseus in the Aegean.

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他们有田径比赛,邀请奥德修斯一起参加They have athletic contests and they ask Odysseus to participate.

奥德赛立刻将他的犁转半圈,以避免伤害他的儿子。Odysseus immediately made a semi-circle with his plough to avoid injuring his son.

阿西娜采用曼托的伪装建议并且站在她心爱的奥德赛旁边。Athena used the disguise of Mentor to advise and stand beside her beloved Odysseus.

奥德修斯遵循女神喀耳斯的忠告。对付塞壬姐妹,他采取了谨慎的防备措施。Acting on the advice of Circe , Odysseus took careful preparation against the Sirens.

这些人苦思要怎幺逃走的对策。后来奥迪赛想到了一个高明的主意。The men thought hard about how they could escape. Then Odysseus had a brilliant idea.

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这是文学中第一位自愿应征的逃避者的故事,奥德赛的故事。It is the story of the first would-be draft evader in literature, the story of Odysseus.

第二天,他的礼物凤蝶负荷船上,将进行奥德修斯向伊萨卡。The next day, Alcinous loads his gifts on board the ship that will carry Odysseus to Ithaca.

名为「奥德修斯神话」的雕塑品,是在德国西部举行的沙雕节中参展的作品之一。The sculpture, called The myth of Odysseus is part of a sand festival held in western Germany.