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我吃鱼。真好吃!I have fish. Yummy ! Yummy!

呀米柯恩,不仅仅是爆米花!Yummy corn, not just popcorn!

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可口的瓦煲卤猪肉叫人受不了!The yummy Clay Pot Stewed Pork.

谢谢!炒饭和豆腐等好吃。Thank you! Fried rice and tofu is so yummy.

看起来确实很可口的,现在来选甜点吧。It looks yummy indeed. Now pick up a dessert.

他们能掩盖那些你身上散发的,对于虫子来说十分美味的气息。They mask the yummy smell that comes off of you.

希望有一份美味填饱我们咕咕叫的肚子?There minght be a yummy for our growling tummies?

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小心鳄鱼并记得抓取美味的橡胶小球!Watch out for alligators and grab yummy gumdrops!

光想到那些可口的食物我就会口水直流。Just thinking of all that yummy food makes my mouth water.

闪闪发光的蜡烛。美味可口的面包。红红绿绿的盛装。Sparkly candles. Yummy bread. Dress-up clothes in green and red.

抱歉!手机的相机拍不出来有多好吃。Sorry! The camera in my cell phone couln't show you how yummy it is.

把一些美味例如发霉的牛肉放入瓶底部分,有趣的事情开始了!Throw in some yummy goodies like old moldy beef and let the fun begin!

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来到北埔,笠竹园是想要健康美味兼顾的您不可错过的美味餐厅。When you come to Beipu, visit us to enjoy a yummy and healthy big meal!

因为他味道很重很咸,很肥很好吃但不油腻。Because it has strong flavour, very savoury, fatty, yummy but not greasy.

她想找出一朵最甜蜜的小花朵,然后可以喝好喝的花蜜汁。She was trying to find the sweetest flower so she could drink its yummy juice.

喝过几杯茶,爸爸也夸了无数次“真好喝”之后,妈妈回来了。After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, Mom came home.

这个面膜闻着有薄荷味儿,好闻,清新,我用了有1年了,太太太喜欢了。This mask smells minty yummy and fresh. I have been using this mask for a year.

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我们在卡里萨别墅住了5晚,非常棒的别墅,早餐也很美味。We stayed 5 nights at villa carissa the villa was great and the breakfasts very yummy.

适当的做的事是吃什么,它是这么的美味。The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is.

适当的做法是吃不管它是什么,说它有多美味。The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is.