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我同意让菲利浦做我的见习生。I took on Phillip as my trainee.

要是一个见习生剪我发,可以打折吗?Is there any discount if it is done by a trainee?

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要是一个受训者剪我发,可以打折吗?Is there any discounts if it is done by a trainee?

我现在大丸船运公司服务,任见习员。I am at present a trainee in the Liner Shipping Company.

我记得我效力于热刺时,他也在那训练。I remember when I was at Spurs and he was a trainee there.

故特备函自荐,自信能胜任见习管理人员一职。I believe I qualify as a management trainee in your company.

圬工职业水平3,练习指导,2004修订版,平装。Masonry Level 3 Trainee Guide, 2004 Revision, Perfect Bound.

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美林表示,公司还重新启动了实习生计划。Merrill has also revitalised its trainee programme, it said.

行政见习员在公司内接受有系统训练。Management Trainee Receives systematic training in the company.

那位受训的队员故意用难题把傲慢的教练搞糊涂。The trainee foxed the arrogant instructor with a knotty problem.

被培训的手艺人因学艺为师付工作数年的合同。Contract by which a trainee craftsman work for a master for some.

前段时间公司里调来一个外国的实习经理。Some time ago the company transferred to a foreign trainee manager.

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见习员的地位和医院里的实习医生很相似。The position of trainee is much the same as that of an intern in a hospital.

一次一个未婚的熟人被安排和一桌男性实习消防员同席。An unmarried acquaintance was once placed on a table of male trainee firemen.

于是我找了一份跟食品科学有关的工作,后来又成为伦敦的一名实习调香师。I started out in food science, and then became a trainee flavorist in London.

如果你看到传教士培训生一脚跨过这个呻吟着的人,你会怎么认为?If you saw the trainee priest stepping over the moaning man, what would you think?

结果实验组护生出科成绩明显优于以往传统教育学生。Results The results of trainee nurse were better than trained with traditional way.

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图为赴日研修生回国创办的绿色农场。The picture shows the Vegetable Garden set up by returned Chinese trainee to Japan.

他的酒店职业生涯始于1986年——上海华亭喜来登酒店。He first started his career with Sheraton Hua Ting Hotel Shanghai in 1986 as a trainee.

有一位受训者试图向一位农民借他的轻型卡车去买烟。One trainee persuaded a farmer to lend him his light truck, so he could get cigarettes.