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随后传来了很不像话的摔门声。There followed an undignified slamming of doors.

对于他这种地位的人来说,这样的行为是不庄重的。Such conduct is undignified for a person of his position.

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我们错过了附加赛,而且以一种不体面的方式结束。We missed the play-offs and ended in undignified fashion.

交叉在一起坐下时,姿势很不雅观。His skis crossed and he sat down in a most undignified manner.

我们中的一些人对此很厌恶——认为这种生活方式很不光彩。Some of us find this distasteful – an undignified kind of life.

他认为要他扮演这个丢脸的角色实在是对他莫大的侮辱。He regarded the suggestion that he should act such an undignified part as a kind of sacrilege.

我那时真是聪明过分,总觉他说话不大漂亮,非自己插嘴不可。I was such a bright young man that I thought some of his remarks undignified , and butted in myself.

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此行并不光彩,贝卢斯科尼到达总统官邸时,一大群人向他发出嘘声和嘲笑声。It was an undignified journey. As Mr Berlusconi arrived at the palace, a large crowd booed and jeered.

甚至转身都很艰难,而且它们常最终大损尊严地堆坐到树底边的地面上。Even turning around is difficult, and they often end up in an undignified heap at the base of the tree.

河鼠轻蔑地哼了一声,转身要走,不想蹴到一只帽盒,摔倒了,嘴里不干不净地骂了几句。The Rat, with a snort of contempt, swung round to go, tripped over a hat-box, and fell, with undignified remarks.

到现在我仍然认为主把自己比作牧者、把他的民比作羊是很令人惊奇的,说起这一点就像说起我的工作一样,不甚光彩。As undignified as my profession is it still amazes me that God compares himself to a shepherd and his people to sheep.

犹如这一切还不足够,亚里士多德告诉我们,走路缓慢,that,the,megalopsychos,walks,slowly,因为匆忙是不庄重的表现,随时保时高调,讲话总带深沈嗓音。As if that weren't enough Aristotle tells us Megalopsychos because to hurry is undignified is tall and speaks with a deep voice.

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即使在他的崇拜者找到一些赫夫纳拒绝扔在兔子,素雅毛巾和行为的年龄适当不光彩。Even his admirers find something undignified in Hefner's refusal to throw in the bunny-emblazoned towel and behave age-appropriately.

“哭撞号板”是他上演的一场人生丑剧,表现了一个完全丧失自尊的封建末路文人的畸形人格。Crying Over The Name Board is a farce he performed and it revealed a kind of twisted personality of an undignified scholar in feudal China.

这句有损尊严的话是在信德省的瑙德罗,他妻子和“殉难”的岳父阿里.布托的墓地上放出来的。The undignified outburst came at Naudero in Sindh province, the burial site of his wife and her similarly “martyred” father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

我也必更加卑微、自己看为轻贱.你所说的那些婢女、他们倒要尊敬我。I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor.

尽管这些兰博风格的摄影大概是想证明他身体足够健壮以执掌大权,但是这些对于一个地位较高的政治家来说多少有失庄重了。Although possibly aimed at proving he is strong enough to keep his grip on power, these Rambo-style photoshoots might seem a bit a undignified for a senior statesman.

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法官们还担心,持有手机相机和录音机的公民记者会进入法庭,将庭审实况片段公布于网络,而这种行为在法官看来既扰乱秩序又有损尊严。They worry that citizen journalists with cell-phone cameras and recorders will invade courtrooms and post trial footage online, a practice they find both disruptive and undignified.

我认为,得体的政府,不应该把它的赞扬者和审查者放在心上,如果对于前者大加褒扬而对后者横加迫害,不仅有失尊严,同时也是在犯罪。I think it as honorable to the government neither to know nor notice its sycophants or censors, as it would be undignified and criminal to pamper the former and persecute the latter.

无国界医生组织表示“非常关注整个受难并陷入窘况的欧洲大陆上成千上万的弱势群体。”The Medecins Sans Frontieres aid organisation said it was "very concerned about the thousands of vulnerable people across the continent in danger and stuck in undignified conditions".