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他为她总结营业额。He summed up the turnover for her.

公司的人员流动率怎么样?What kind of turnover do you have?

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资本周转是周期性的循环。Captial turnover is a periodical cycle.

但他谢绝透露目前的营业额。But he declined to say what turnover was now.

我清楚为什么称它为流转税了。I'm clear as to why you call it turnover tax.

这些是去年销售额的实际数字。These are the actuals for last year's turnover.

眼下,高龙公司的年营业额只有500万美元。Today, Golden Dragon has annual turnover of only m.

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诺维斯基突破后,易建联把他逼出一个失误。Yi forces Nowitzki into a turnover on a fast break.

2006年,迪卡侬全球的营业额为41亿欧元。Its annual turnover in 2006 reached EUR 410 million.

这间公司终于补交了他们偷漏的流转税。The company finally paid the turnover tax in arrears.

此外,宏基还因存货周转率低而屡遭批评。Acer was also criticized for its slow inventory turnover.

这个商店每天有好几千元的进出。This store has a daily turnover of several thousand yuan.

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研究了14C-葡萄糖在13种土壤中的周转。The turnover of 14C-glucose added in 13 soils was studied.

结论血清MMP-2与骨转换生化指标相关联。Conclusion Serum MMP-2 is related to markers of bone turnover.

持续降低离职率和提升员工满意度。Continue to reduce turnover and improve employee satisfaction.

陆域集疏条件影响库场的周转。Land sparse conditions set affect the library market turnover.

这家商店实行大减价以迅速周转资金。The store greatly reduced the prices to make a quick turnover.

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比如,赫勒举例说,工作岗位的高度流动有损于生意。For example, Holle says, high job turnover is bad for business.

营业额指在一个财务时间内企业的总销售收入。Turnover refers to the revenue earned in the accounting period.

但是这种快速的升级换代对地球有很严重的影响。But this rapid turnover is having a serious effect on the planet.