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他再婚前是两个孩子的爸爸了。He has fathered two children before his remarriage.

他的朋友都在议论他的再婚。His remarriage was remarked upon by all his friends.

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另外还有18个州对离婚后的再婚行为设置了障碍。Eighteen states set barriers to remarriage after divorce.

但我问你,再婚生活如如何变得更糟糕的?But I ask you, how could remarriage possibly be any worse?

现实是,她感觉她再婚的前景黯淡无光。The upshot is that she feels her prospects of remarriage are dim.

正像对比于结婚率,再婚率下降了。Just as with marriage rates overall, remarriage rates have declined.

对离婚当事人的再婚有什么限制?Are there any restrictions on remarriage by the parties to a divorce?

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霍利特的两个接近青春期的女儿最初反对他们再婚。Mr. Hollett's two preteen daughters resisted the remarriage at first.

为了年轻或美丽而再婚的独特吸引力也将会下降。Remarriage for beauty or youth will lose some of its distinguishing force.

第一部分介绍了两宋妇女再嫁的现象。The first part introduces the phenomenon of women's remarriage in Song dynasty.

第三部分客观地评价了宋朝妇女的再嫁权问题。The third part objectively appraises the right of women's remarriage in Song dynasty.

我们从旧约对待离婚和再婚的问题上得出什么结论?What are we to conclude from the Old Testament's treatment of the subject of divorce and remarriage?

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专家们说,再婚能否获得成功在很大程度上取决于双方能否处理好此前一段失败的婚姻。Experts say the success of a remarriage depends largely on how well the partners dealt with their divorces.

对于离异的父母,有时再婚对孩子的影响是不公平的诽谤。As for those who are parents, remarriage is sometimes unfairly maligned for the impact it can have on children.

再婚把继父继母带进孩子的生活中,造成了孩子有几个家庭的可能性。Remarriage introduces stepparents into children's lives and creates the possibility of having several families.

对于一些没有孩子的人来说,再婚增大了成功的夫妻关系机会。Remarriage to someone without children is more likely, increasing the chance that the relationship will succeed.

如凯特日后再婚或有不合宜的举止,赡养费将会减少,甚至全额删除。Kate in the future, such as remarriage or inappropriate behavior, alimony will be reduced, or even fully removed.

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比起第一次结婚者,考虑过结婚的人至少会发现一个婚姻无吸引力的意义。Even more than first-timers, individuals considering remarriage may find at least one meaning of marriage unappealing.

现实是,她感觉她再婚的前景黯淡无光。It’s not really the way you’re supposed to act here.” The upshot is that she feels her prospects of remarriage are dim.

雨里说这些话的女人是阿拉贝拉,晚上是苏又跟费乐生结婚的那天晚上。The woman in the rain who spoke thus was Arabella, the evening being that of the day after Sue's remarriage with Phillotson.