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不过银行家们表示,对交易佣金进行推断仍然十分危险。But bankers say that to generalise about deal fees remains perilous.

所以,请你三思而后员额和应该做的概括或刻板印象没有。So please think before you post and don't over generalise or stereotype.

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事物就是这样,本质上越特殊,自然就越难泛化。Because there are by nature very specific, they are naturally hard to generalise.

一段时间后,侨民圈子团结在一起的动机和观点可能会普及化。It was possible, after a while, to generalise about the motives and opinions that held this community of émigrés together.

他补充道不要从单一患者以偏盖全,这是第一例也是仅有的一例恢复的患者。He added it is important not to generalise from a single patient. "It's the first and only case of someone doing very well."

大多数的结论是基于在美国的调查研究,那么它可能不适用于所有国家。Most of these findings are based on research carried out in the US meaning it might not generalise to the rest of the world.

本研讨将通过综合、讨论和概括找出一个用于指导未来城郊景观设计的可行方法。The session wants to synthesise, discuss and generalise a successful approach for designing peri-urban landscapes of the future.

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每次在讲授新内容之前,我都会认真归纳、总结,力求教学方法通俗易懂、好记。Before teaching them new contents, I always generalise and summarise carefully, aim for the method is popular, intelligible and easy to remember.

低估常常是由于缺乏数据,导致很难概括抗生素耐药性对治疗结果以及全球卫生和经济负担的影响。to lack of data, making it difficult to generalise about the impact of antibiotic resistance on treatment outcomes, and on global health and economic burdens.

少项的临床研究和参与者的选择信息的缺乏使这些结果难以概括在各种肺动脉高压患者。The small number of studies and lack of information on participant selection makes it difficult to generalise these results across the spectrum of people with PH.

相反的,一些未被启迪的所谓自由思想者们,没有深入思考的热情,只会概括和分解别人的思想系统和信仰。In contrast, some unenlightened free-thinkers are not enthusiastic to learn and think deeply enough, who thus generalise and trivialise others’ belief and thought systems.

低估常常是由于缺乏数据,导致很难概括抗生素耐药性对治疗结果以及全球卫生和经济负担的影响。Underestimates are usually due to lack of data, making it difficult to generalise about the impact of antibiotic resistance on treatment outcomes, and on global health and economic burdens.

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概括一件事通常歪曲事实,所以,我们也要注意,不要认为所有世俗的人文主义者都不喜欢所有的宗教。The problem with any generalisation is that it generally misrepresents. That said, we should also be mindful not to generalise all secular humanists to be equally intolerant of all religions.