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信江潺清心扉。Xinjiang River clears your heart.

新疆是很多维族人的故乡。Xinjiang is home to many Uyghurs.

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我将会表演新疆舞。I will perform Xinjiang Folk Dance.

新疆披碱草属的新分类群。New taxa of Elymus L. from Xinjiang.

新疆植棉历史悠久。Xinjiang cotton with a long history.

在另一边是北疆。On the other side is northern Xinjiang.

新疆天气骤冷,正常生活秩序被打乱。Cold snap strikes normal life in Xinjiang.

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新疆人具有精通语言的绝对天赋!Xinjiang people have real language talent!

“丝绸之路”约有一半的路段位于新疆内。About half of the road runs across Xinjiang.

新疆北部遭遇数场暴雨和暴雪。Heavy snows and rains hit northern Xinjiang.

嗯,这就是新疆的油葵。Yeah, these are the Xinjiang oil sunflowers.

新疆油料作物的近缘植物。The relative plants of oil crops in Xinjiang.

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预计21日至22日,强冷空气将率先影响新疆。To 21-22, the air will influence of xinjiang.

新疆贝母属植物分类研究。A taxonomic study of Fritillaria from Xinjiang.

艾比湖是新疆最大的盐水湖。Aiby Lake is the biggest salt lake in Xinjiang.

一家纯正的新疆风味餐厅。Xinjiang restaurant is a pure style restaurant.

探索新疆其他-世俗景观。Explore the other-worldly landscapes of Xinjiang.

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用桑皮纸珍藏新疆。TO treasure up Xinjiang with mulberry bark paper.

给我十串儿。新疆还有什么好吃的?Give me ten of them. What else is good in Xinjiang?

新疆谷类作物的野生近缘植物。The wild relative plants of grain crops in Xinjiang.