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有些垂钓者就是不走运。SOme fishermen are unlucky.

渔民们拉鱼网。The fishermen haul the net.

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我们从渔民那买鱼。We get the fish from fishermen.

渔民们弯着光裸的脊背Fishermen bend their naked backs

渔民因此头昏目眩而怨声载道。Fishermen complain of dizziness.

渔夫们正在把网拉进珑。The fishermen were hauling in the net.

有些冰上钓客喜欢古时候的方法。Some ice fishermen prefer the old ways.

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老渔民曾经在这些河上布网。Old fishermen used to net on the rivers.

许多渔民在沿湖岸边有小屋。Many fishermen own cabins along the lake.

渔翁找到了他们抓到的鱼。The fishermen found the fish they fished.

渔民们装满了一船鱼。The fishermen packed out a cargo of fish.

渔歌就是渔民们唱的歌呀。A fishing song is a song sung by fishermen.

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渔民们将网撒入海中。The fishermen cast their nets into the sea.

郭玉志一生都以捕鱼为业。Guo Yuzhi has been a fishermen all his life.

渔人们把鱼拖进渔船。The fishermen hauled the fish into the boat.

渔夫有时能钓起锁住的盒子。Fishermen fish up lockboxes from time to time.

许多当地人仍然乘木排捕鱼为生。Many locals still work as "jangada" fishermen.

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渔民们拉起满网的鱼。The fishermen draw in their nets full of fish.

他的门徒都是一些渔夫和贩夫走卒。His disciples were fishermen and common people.

MTN给渔夫提供太阳能电话。MTN provides solar-powered phones to fishermen.