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桥栏杆?。Bridge railing?

他们撞在围栏上。They bumped against the railing.

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为什么我今天没能把帆板倾起来?Why can't I railing my board today?

她正在大桥的栏杆上走。She is walking on the railing of a bridge.

他们将生铁块锻造成熟铁棒。They forged pieces for a wrought-iron railing.

我兴奋得差点跨过栏杆。I was so excited I almost jumped over the railing.

他下楼梯的时候扶着扶手。He held the railing while he walked down the stairs.

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他的上面,哈雷和摩尔特靠着三层的护栏。Above him, Hadley and Mert lean on the 3rd tier railing.

桥梁,建筑立面,道路护栏,城市亮化。Wall, Bridge, Road protective railing , City illumination.

我们把信系在砖上,然后抛过栏杆去。We tied this letter to a brick and threw it over the railing.

奥巴马总统只能本能地去回击共和党人的顽固立场。Mr Obama could respond by railing against Republican obduracy.

他感觉到硬邦邦的铁栏杆顶着自己的脊梁。He felt the hardness of the iron railing press against his spine.

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他感觉到硬邦邦的铁栏杆顶着自己的脊梁。He felt the hardness of the iron railing press against his spine.

有人帮我拿着拐杖,我则靠在楼梯护栏往下滑。Someone carried my crutches, and I supported myself on the railing.

一个女孩靠上了关于郊区公路栏杆卢班戈1月14日。A girl leans on a highway railing on the outskirts of Lubango January 14.

娇小的侏儒透过栏杆端详着魔法罩下的达拉然。The tiny gnome peered over the railing into the secluded Dalaran courtyard.

Cherry将床单系在他的脖子上,爬过过道上的栏杆。They see Cherry, bed sheets tied around his neck, climbing over the railing.

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在每一条廊道中心都有一口通风井,外面围着一道矮矮的栏杆。In the center of each gallery is a ventilation shaft, bounded by a low railing.

在没有安全平台和护栏的槽罐或卡车顶部作业。Working on top of tanks or trucks not equipped with safety platform and railing.

优雅的钢轨栏杆不再剪辑后通过时,放在对角线。The Elegant Rails railing no longer clips through the post when placed diagonally.