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你不能做的太过火!You can take minimalism too far!

这是一篇极端简约的伟大作品。It is a great piece about extreme minimalism.

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“孩子”和“简约主义”似乎像地球的南北极一样对立。Minimalism and kids sound like polar opposites.

极小主义并不冷峻,它可以是温暖的。Minimalism isn’t cold, it’s warm and too the point.

在极简派艺术中使用图形是有意的。The use of images in minimalism is very intentional.

极简和节俭还是有差别的。There’s a difference between minimalism and frugality.

简约主义帮我们夺回生命中的宝贵时间。Minimalism recaptures that valuable time for our lives.

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警惕没有任何因由的极简美学主义决定。Be wary of minimalism as an aesthetic decision without cause.

下一贴,我将谈论极简主义和艺术擦出的火花。Next post, I’ll talk about what minimalism has to do with art.

你是否认为极简主义和禅之间有着密切的关系?Do you think there is a relationship between minimalism and Zen?

祖姆特作品一向充满素朴自然的质感。Zumthor's creations exuberate with a sense of natural minimalism.

那是简化主意所关于的——放它去吧让梦想成真。That’s what minimalism is all about—letting go and living the dream.

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在现代城,我们就集合了一群喜欢和欣赏简约主义的朋友。In modern city, we aggregate a bunch of friends appreciating minimalism.

这就是“极简主义”对于我的意义,这个挑战就是我开始的一跃。That is what minimalism means to me, and this challenge is my jump start.

但最重要的是,如何定义“简约主义”是你自己说了算。But for the most part, it is true that what minimalism means is up to you.

排版在极简艺术中应该和其它元素有同样的战略性意义。Typography in minimalism should be just as strategic as any other element.

在一个鼓励你多买东西的世界里,简约主义却告诉我们要减少之初。In a world that tells us to buy more, minimalism invites us to pursue less.

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下面我们看看这些设计准则,它们怎么与极简设计的。Below we look at these principles of design and how they relate to minimalism.

他引入了优雅和柔和,不断挑战着保守主义。He is challenging the idea of minimalism by introducing elegance and softness.

那是简化主意所关于的——放它去吧让梦想成真。Simplify. That's what minimalism is all about—letting go and living the dream.