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他是一个黄金矿工。He was a gold miner.

恰尔肯德邦的一个矿工。A coal miner in Jharkhand.

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小徐的父亲是矿工。Xiao Xu's father is a miner.

你是一个采煤工吗?是的,我是。Are you a coal miner?Yes, I am.

矿工从泥土里提取黄金。A miner extracts gold from earth.

矿工从泥土里提炼黄金。A miner extracts gold from the earth.

这个小气鬼从不把任何东西送给别人。The miner never sends anything to others.

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他叫汤姆,是一位大个子,花白头发的矿工。He was a big, grey-haired miner named Tom.

矿工约翰生产了10盎司黄金。John the miner produces ten ounces of gold.

2009年在圭亚那,一名金矿工人命丧美洲虎口。A jaguar killed a gold miner in Guyana in 2009.

在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner.

一位矿工在轮班前戴上安全装备。A miner picked up safety supplies before his shift.

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最后,他终于找到了怪物米诺牛。Finally, he finally found the monster miner cattle.

重庆磨心坡煤矿里的一名矿工。A miner at the Moxinpo Colliery in Chongqing, China.

我得叫贝尔曼上楼来给我当老矿工模特儿。I must call Behrman up to be my model for the old miner.

如果你是一家黄金矿商,想要寻求业务多样化,时机还不错.看涨黄金的理由多种多样.然而,铜长期前景要更为出众一些.It's not a bad time to diversify if you are a gold miner.

苏艾说,“我要去叫贝尔曼上来,替我做那个隐居的老矿工的模特儿。I must call Behrman up to be my model for the old hermit miner.

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“不,你不能做那件事,亨利,”那个透露。"No, you must not do that, Henry, " the grey-haired miner said.

一家智利电视节目甚至为每位矿工提供了一次出镜机会。Chilean TV bombshell has even offered to give each miner a lapdance.

一家智利电视节目甚至为每位矿工提供了一次出镜机会。A Chilean TV bombshell has even offered to give each miner a lapdance.