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忒修斯领着童男童女在克里特上岸了。Theseus led the virgin in Crete went ashore.

埃及文化哺育了克里特和希腊。Egyptian culture inseminated Crete and Greece.

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他们将从克里特岛北海岸登陆上岛。They were coming in to land on the north coast of Crete.

克里特岛是古代爱琴文化发源地。Crete Island is the cradle of the ancient Aegean culture.

代达罗斯和他的儿子伊卡洛斯是克里特岛上的囚犯。Daedalus and his son Icarus were prisoners on the island of Crete.

这位年轻的女士参观的地方包括圣托里尼岛、克里特岛和雅典。Places the young woman visited included Santorini, Crete and Athens.

他是位考古学家,过去的一年都在参与克里特岛上的一项考古发掘工作。He's an archaeologist and has been on a dig in Crete for the past year.

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当我们用"米诺斯"这个词语时,就是指出自于克里特的文明When we use the word Minoan we mean the civilization whose home is Crete.

哦,那么我有一个粉丝了,它是一座名为克里特岛的岛屿,这个房间里有德国人吗?Oh, so I have one fan It's an island called Crete Any Germans in the room?

克里特岛的微调线路使用前视图背景位图作为参考。Crete the trimming lines using the front view background bitmap as reference.

克里特岛和埃及的来往始于古埃及前王朝时期,约公元前4000年。Crete and Egypt began in ancient Egypt from the pre-dynasty period, about 4000 BC.

同样的事情也发生在克里特的克诺索斯,或者克里特岛其他地区The same thing is true of Knossos in Crete, and perhaps a few other sites in Crete.

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世界上第一个冲水马桶大约出现于西元前一千七百年的克里特岛。The world's first flushing toilet was used around 1700 B. C. , on the Isle of Crete.

在爱琴海地区的,克里特岛上Well, that's what we see for the first time in the Aegean area on the island of Crete.

按国家电视台的说法,军机目的地为设于希腊克利特岛的一处美军基地。Saying by state television, aircraft destined for Greece, Crete at a U. S. military base.

但是敌人或许只是佯攻克里特岛而实则将越过该岛向东推进。It may be however that the enemy is only feinting at crete and will be going farther east.

在船上早餐,早上抵达克里特的伊拉克里翁。Early morning breakfast will be served onboard as you arrive in the Port of Heraklion, Crete.

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1900年前后,有许多发掘克里特岛的米诺斯产生了丰富的发现。Around 1900, there were many excavations of Minoan Crete that produced a wealth of discoveries.

他以传说中克里特之王的名字为之命名,在希腊神话里,他的名字叫米诺斯He named it after the legendary King of Crete who appears in Greek mythology by the name of Minos.

埃及和克里特的象形文字大部分是图画,而每一幅图代表一个字音。The hieroglyphs of Egypt and Crete were mostly pictures, although each one stood for a word-sound.