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想想托斯卡纳区,却有着哈布斯堡的过去史。Think Tuscany, but with a Habsburg past.

开拓殖民地在哈布斯堡王朝就进行过。Colonization took place during the Habsburg dynasty.

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在匈牙利,他们要求脱离奥地利哈布斯堡王朝的统治。In Hungary, they demanded independence from Habsburg Austria.

后来受哈普斯堡王室影响,成为奥地利-匈牙利帝国的一部分。It later came under the Habsburg influence and became part of Austria-Hungary.

尽管如此,其他王公和国家并不这样看待哈布斯堡政权的大规模兼并。Nonetheless that was not how the other princes and states viewed this mighty agglomeration of habsburg power.

浪潮席卷至维也纳——哈普斯堡帝国的首都,迫使伟大的权利掮客梅特涅退位。The wave hit Vienna, the capital of the Habsburg Empire, forcing the great power broker Metternich to resign.

1273年鲁道夫一世成为第一个哈布斯堡皇帝,自1438年开始,哈布斯堡王朝一直掌控了帝位。Rudolf I became the first Habsburg emperor in 1273, and from 1438 the Habsburg dynasty held the throne permanently.

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哈布斯堡王朝,德国王室,15~20世纪欧洲主要的王室之一。Habsburg dynasty or hapsburg dynasty royal german family one of the chief dynasties of europe from the15th to the20th century.

原为哈布斯堡帝国的斯洛文尼亚和克罗地亚又胜过被土耳其统治过几百年的阿尔巴尼亚和塞尔维亚。Slovenia and Croatia, formerly of the Habsburg Empire, outperformed Albania and Serbia, which spent centuries under Turkish rule.

哈布斯堡王室出身的德意志国王腓特烈四世,在1452年被加冕为神圣罗马帝国皇帝,称腓特烈三世,哈布斯堡王室拥有此头衔至1806年。Frederick IV, the Habsburg king of Germany, was crowned Holy Roman emperor as Frederick III in 1452, and Habsburgs continued to hold that title until 1806.

也许需要一个自由,航海帝国,作为反对向俄罗斯或哈布斯堡,锻炼的权力和自身利益与责任为休息。Maybe it takes a liberal, seafaring empire, as opposed to the Russian or the Habsburg , to temper power and self-interest with responsibility for the rest.

百瑟利家族在约翰二世于1571年去世后掌权。他们作为土耳其帝国的亲王统治特兰西瓦尼亚至1602年,其间也曾简短地受哈布斯堡家族的控制。The Báthory family, which came to power on the death of John II in 1571 , ruled Transylvania as princes under the Ottomans, and briefly under Habsburg suzerainty, until 1602.

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自1633年起,维也纳的皇家墓穴成为安葬哈普斯堡皇室、神圣罗马帝国世袭国王以及他们后代子孙的主要场所。Since 1633 the Imperial Crypt in Vienna has been the principal place of entombment for the Habsburg dynasty, hereditary Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, and their descendants.

维也纳最初是神圣罗马帝国的领地,接着成为奥地利帝国的首都,后来又成为奥匈帝国的首都,哈布斯堡王朝在维也纳雄踞达数个世界之久。Vienna has hosted the Habsburg court over centuries, first as the imperial see of the Holy Roman Empire, then the capital of the Austrian Empire and later of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

华纳的绘画是对阿尔钦博托伟大卓越之文艺复兴运动的现代回应,由于那些用水果和蔬菜组成的人头画像,阿尔钦博托让16世纪的哈布斯堡王朝欢欣不已。Warner's pictures are modern answers to the great and marvellous Renaissance art of Arcimboldo, who delighted the 16th-century Habsburg court with paintings of faces composed of fruit or vegetables.