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踩坏了照价赔偿。Put a bad price as compensation.

他们要求额外的赔偿。They asked for extra compensation.

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最后,杨燕拿到了保险理赔金。Finally, Yang received compensation.

集成冷端补偿。Integral cold junction compensation.

赔偿索偿中之业务损失评估。Compensation claims on business loss.

合同改约补偿金。Compensation for Amendment of Contract.

战争受害者要求赔偿。The victims of war claimed compensation.

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有所许诺,纤毫必偿。Has promised compensation fiber cents will.

业主财产损失赔偿纠纷。Owner property damage compensation dispute.

江西人贩谋杀智障汉伪造矿难骗取赔偿。Gang murders man then sues for compensation.

在一个微流流程中,补偿在以下条件下运行In a microflow process, compensation runs if

赔偿标准及数额。The standard and amount of the compensation.

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他们说他们没有拿到任何补偿。They say they have received no compensation.

您可以采取补偿贸易的方式。You may take the form of compensation trade.

高级微流流程中的补偿Compensation in top-level microflow processes

这份工作很辛苦,但工资还算好。The job is hard but the compensation is good.

赔偿包括兑现的期权。Compensation includes cashed-in share options.

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甬温线动车事故赔偿正在进行。Compensation underway for train crash victims.

赔偿金并不来自于足总基金。The compensation does not come out of FA funds.

他仍然坚持要求赔偿。He is still pressing his claim for compensation.