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基础结构变得如此繁重以至于人们都避免使用它The infrastructure becomes so burdensome that people avoid using it

他望了望屋子,一想起收拾行李他就心烦。He glanced about the room, and the thought of packing was burdensome.

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安息日是一个礼物,我们纪念安息日不应该觉得是一种负累。The Sabbath is a gift, to be commemorated without burdensome hindrances.

指定项目中每个文件的属性是一项繁重的任务。Specifying the properties for each file in a project is a burdensome task.

一个小孩子是绝不可能肩负起起数一百万计的人的期望的。The burdensome expectations of millions could never be shouldered by a kid.

现在黛利拉被这个烦人的宠物纠缠着,她都不想叫她的名字。Now Delilah was stuck with a burdensome pet whose name she refused to utter.

为何叫我当你的箭靶,使我成为你的重担?Why hast thou set me opposite to thee, and I am become burdensome to myself?

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在之后的岁月中,我意识到旅行不必如此地繁重。In the following years, I realized that travel didn’t have to be so burdensome.

在中国,精神疾病已经超过心脏病和恶性肿瘤,成为让人负荷最重的疾病。Replacing heart disease and cancer, mental illness has become the most burdensome disease in China.

对于一个带着属世观点的人来说,这似乎是对时间和精力的难以忍受的浪费。To a person with a worldly point of view, this seems like such a burdensome waste of time and effort.

最后,某些进口产品在中国获准分销之前要经过繁缛的手续。Finally, certain imported products face burdensome requirements before they can be distributed in China.

10月29日之后的数周和数月中,房屋或家庭事务将不再沉重。A home or family-related matter will become less burdensome in the weeks and months that follow October 29.

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这意味着卫生保健远不只是一项繁重的政治责任,和公共资金的一个无底洞。That meant viewing health as far more than a burdensome political duty, a bottomless drain on public funds.

在恋爱、新婚的幸福感受里,夏卡尔似乎感觉到,人是可以透过爱,将沉重的肉体飞扬起来。In the sweet marriage with his newly wed, Chagall appears to feel that love can lighten the burdensome flesh.

但现行的三系杂交水稻制种技术,自播种至收获完全依靠人工操作,工序繁杂。Now the process of the hybrid seed production mainly relies on manual, the working procedure is very burdensome.

在最后几周里,闪电会持续不断或者至少经常发生,雷鸣之声很烦人。Lighting will be continuous or at least frequent during the last weeks at times, and the thunder claps burdensome.

也许确实有十指连心的伤害,如梦初醒的背叛,不胜其烦的纠缠。Perhaps truly has the intimately connected injury, as if awakening from a dream betrayal, burdensome entanglement.

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糖尿病及其许多并发症对世界各国的健康和经济都是极其沉重的负担。Diabetes and its numerous complications are extremely burdensome on the health and economies of countries worldwide.

一些设计人员认为在应用程序接口放置相关数据会对客户端应用程序造成负担。Some designers consider placing correlation data in the application interface to be burdensome on the client application.

即使您的工具集能够完成其任务,创建和维护所生成的大量对象也会让人觉得是负担,缺乏灵活性。Even if your toolkit is up to its task, creating and maintaining tons of generated objects are just burdensome and inflexible.