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之后,要举行拜堂仪式。Hold to do obeisance a rites after.

怎么现在还拜他们?How to still do obeisance them now?

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敬礼这面绚丽的中国八一军旗!Do obeisance to the florid China oriflamme!

借着与主的联合,我们学习顺服。By doing obeisance we are learning obedience.

他们向他敬礼,说,万岁,以色列之王!And they made obeisance to him, saying, Hail, King of.

他们向他敬礼,说,万岁,以色列之王!And they made obeisance to him, saying, Hail, King of Israel!

同时他们还要求我们谨尊礼仪。They also reinforced obeisance and decorum in their children.

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事后他被问及,为何不表示顺从,做一个小小的姿态。He was asked afterwards why he could not make just one small gesture of obeisance.

有一天,来了一个穿着破烂的年轻人,进门拜师。One day, the youth that came to wearing junk, do obeisance to division into the door.

他们必须学习如何再次仰赖我们,并给予我们应得的尊敬。They must learn to depend upon us once again and to give us the obeisance we deserve.

拔示巴向王屈身下拜。王说,你要什么。And Bathsheba bowed, and did obeisance unto the king. And the king said, What wouldest thou?

在旧中国,人民生活在死人的专制之下。他们必须尊崇祖宗。In old China, the people lived under the despotism of the dead and had to pay obeisance to their ancestors.

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两人喝血酒拜把子之时,彼此已经心藏杀机。When 2 people drink blood wine to do obeisance a son, each other already the heart hide intention to murder.

这个诱惑里面的诡计就是有权被拜的人就有权被遵从。Inside this enticement clever trick is authorized the human who does obeisance to be authorized to comply with.

只有一种情况例外,那就是使耶稣基督拜他,所有这些就会改变。Only then one kind of situation exception, that is causes Jesus Christ to do obeisance him, all these can change.

马拉克在国会大厦中巧妙地玩了他的把戏,以此对所有古老的礼仪表示了尊敬。Mal’akh had played his cards artfully within the Capitol Building, showing obeisance to all the ancient etiquettes.

素儿虽然没有八抬大轿,但可是和我正正经经拜过天地的。Although the vegetable son has no eight to lift big Jiao, yet and I is just serious through once did obeisance earth.

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美国的一些保守派认为克林顿此行是在示弱,很可能会引发更多类似的绑架。In America some conservatives have grumbled that Mr Clinton’s trip was an act of obeisance that encourages further kidnapping.

拜年的过程很是匆忙,好像家里还有别的什么事情要办吧,急急走走地拜完了年,歇了一晚就要回去了。New process is very in a hurry, as if there were nothing else to do, come around to be done obeisance to, had a night to go back.

当年螯拜那重量级的他都扳的动,更不用说那些貌似力士的爷们了。The that year Ao does obeisance what he pull of that heavy weight to move and said nothing of those Yes which look like muscle man.