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这是一种很利害的手段。This is a formidable move.

狼人也许并不够难以对付。Werewolves maybe not formidable enough.

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独角兽和飞马令人生畏的混血。Formidable hybrid of unicorn and Pegasus.

但是,每一款车都面对着强大的竞争对手。But each model faces formidable competitors.

这得一种不可轻侮的愤怒和绝望的大声叫喊。It was a great formidable cry of anger and despair.

丰富的英国文学知识。He has a formidable knowledge of English literature.

我一声吼叫,吓破狼的胆。I could shout the wolf away with my formidable voice!

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通信兵的任务更艰巨。The tasks of communication units are more formidable.

甚至对最有准备的人来说,考试也是殊难轻视的。Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared.

这一长串鼎鼎大名真吓人啊!And a long-drawn procession of formidable names it was!

他们要成为围场内最强大的组合!They make the most formidable combination in the paddock.

卓尔不凡、妩媚动人、性感迷人无疑是不可抵挡的武器。Being remarkable, charming and sexy were formidable weapons.

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除非你是占卜师,否则这将是一个严峻的挑战。And unless you’re Nostradamus, this is a formidable challenge.

利用云云广泛,但它有如何强年夜的服从呢?Using so widespread, but how formidable function does it have?

这次赴汤蹈火之战,将三颗狂野的心紧贴一处。This formidable battle, will threes wild heart clingy one place.

她说,“我认为他们将是强大的竞争对手。”“I do think they are going to be formidable competitors,” she says.

最强大的“靓标”贴在宝马和梅赛德斯·奔驰的汽车上。The most formidable hot badges appear on BMW and Mercedes-Benz cars.

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路窄坡陡,两边是万丈深渊。The path was very steep and narrow suspending over formidable abyss.

此能量释放使吸积盘成为巨大能量的来源。The energy release can make accretion disks formidable power sources.

马萨利斯在爵士乐和古典音乐领域都有极高的声望。Marsalis has a formidable reputation in both jazz and classical music.