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房钱很廉价。Its really a bargain.

空言不能成交易。Bare words, no bargain.

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空言不能成交。Bare words , no bargain.

空言无所不能成交易。Bare not phrases, no bargain.

我在大减价时买了它。I bought it at a bargain sale.

他们不能和傀儡讨价还价。They cannot bargain with golems.

女人特殊忧悲廉价货。Women especially love a bargain.

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你做了一笔很上算的交易。You've got a good bargain there.

她与贩子讨价还价。She beat a bargain with a dealer.

这个包只花了200元,真是捡了个便宜。This bag was a bargain at RMB200.

女人特别喜欢便宜货。Women especially love a bargain.

在一些商店中买东西要讲价。In some shops you have to bargain.

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这种带子简直是廉价品。The tape has proved to be bargain.

我们今天清仓大甩卖。We will have a bargain sale today.

你再杀价也不可能那么便宜。You can't beat that for a bargain.

下次我该帮你杀价。I should help you bargain next time.

这是KEC讨价讨价地一年夜本钱。This is a great bargain KEC capital.

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我们拒绝在价格上讨价还价。We refuse to bargain over the price.

她会是一个要讨价还价的鸨母吗?。Is she a bawd that she should bargain?

跟贪婪的死神订立一份永久的合同!A dateless bargain to engrossing death!