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人类最后的心灵融进去了,于是只剩埃克存在——存在于超时空中。Man's last mind fused and only AC existed — and that in hyperspace.

现在能量输出足够超空间折叠系统运转。The power output is now sufficient for operation of a hyperspace fold system.

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阿纳金尾随阿萨吉穿过超空间来到雅文4号卫星上的古西斯神殿。Anakin followed Asajj through hyperspace to the ancient Sith temples of Yavin 4.

她告诉自己是一个梦,一个不断重复的关于超空间折叠的梦。A dream, she told herself, the recurrent one her mind reserved for hyperspace folds.

不管是贾巴还是齐罗,只要有人能拒绝让共和国军队使用他境内的超空间航道就行。It didn't matter if it was Jabba or Ziro who denied hyperspace passage to Republic forces.

这个问题一直无法找到答案,直到所有人类的精神被上传和整合到该电脑的赛博空间环路中。The question couldn't be answered until all of humanity had uploaded into its hyperspace circuitry.

可能我们还在超空间里面,虽然现在没有证据来支持这种假设。It's possible that we're still in hyperspace , although there is no evidence to support the hypothesis.

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这一天,一种穿梭多维空间的新功能问世了,科学家将这种功能植入一款名叫“傻妞”的手机中。One day, anes function of traversing hyperspace comes out. Scientists put it into a phone named "silly girl".

该型号机器人还装备有一部小型导航计算机,使它能计算机超空间航线以辅助飞行。The droid even included an abbreviated nav computer that allowed it calculate hyperspace coordinates on the fly.

这次短暂的学习很快就结束了,因为千年隼从超空间跳出来时,发现奥德朗已被死星摧毁。The brief session was cut short as the Falcon emerged from hyperspace to find Alderaan destroyed by the Death Star.

他会忘记自己身处何地,会时常算错超空间航路,这一切让卢克很担心。The droid forgot where he was and was prone to miscalculations in his hyperspace routes, all of which worried Luke.

它只有一个作者在地球的这一边,一个编辑在地球的另一边,他们一起把片场日记放到超空间网站上。It's just a writer on one side of the world, and an editor on the other, serving this up to the Hyperspace community.

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建国两万年后,共和国在超空间大战见证了最具毁灭性的冲突之一。Twenty millennia after its founding, the Republic saw one of its most destructive conflicts in the Great Hyperspace War.

于是,除非航行到行星引力井一定距离以外,否则飞船不能安全进入超空间。As a result, a ship cannot enter hyperspace safely until it has traveled a certain distance from a planet's gravity well.

数千年前流亡的西斯大君纳加‧沙度从超空间大战逃往亚汶四号躲避敌人追击。Thousands of years ago the Sith Lord exile Naga Sadow fled to Yavin 4 escaping enemy forces from the Great Hyperspace War.

大量的武器被装入“另一机会号”货船。该飞船将随机设定超空间跃迁路线。A great deal of weaponry was stashed aboard the freighter Another Chance, which was set to jump randomly through hyperspace.

尤其是你做了蠢事,譬如等到近得足以令冰雪星球霍斯上的叛军觉察,才跳出超空间。Especially if you did something really dumb, like jump out of hyperspace close enough to be detected from the ice planet Hoth.

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几千年前,飞船使用超空间信号站和跳跃点在特定航线上进行星系间航行。Thousands of years ago, ships would use hyperspace beacons and jump points to travel from system to system on specific routes.

腹部的机库可以起降TIE战斗机、登陆艇、陆地突击单位、超空间探测器,或用来安置被俘飞船。Its ventral bay can launch TIE fighters, boarding craft, land assault units, hyperspace probes, or be used to hold captured craft.

GAT是帝国海军中装备超空间推进器的最小的船只,推进器赋予它二级超空间性能。The GAT is one of the smallest Imperial Navy vessels to be equipped with a hyperdrive, providing class two hyperspace performance.