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我们俩共获一个奖品。We both won a prize.

小小说,“给这女孩子发奖。Give the girl a prize.

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奖品等您拿。A prize is awaiting you.

他的工作值得奖赏。His work merits a prize.

杰克赢得了奖品。Jack bore away the prize.

你赢得了我们的早晨特奖!You won the morning prize.

她获得了一个二等奖。And she won a Second Prize.

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他们嫉妒他得。They grudged him his prize.

头奖归你所有。The first prize goes to you.

他获得了一项诺贝尔奖。He knocked off a Nobel prize.

最后送彩金。Finally, send the prize money.

一等奖是一辆自行车。The first prize was a bicycle.

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奖品被判给了她。The prize was adjudged to her.

他们给我一笔奖金作酬谢。They rewarded me with a prize.

我打赌我会得一等奖。I bet I'll get the first prize.

菲尔获得头奖。Phil was awarded the top prize.

他扬扬得意地举起了他的奖品。He held up the prize in triumph.

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他获得了小组第一名。He won first prize in his group.

我比你早拿到这个奖。I got this prize early than you.

头奖无人中。There was no first prize winner.