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他看在眼里。He saw it.

我看过她的现场表演。I saw her live.

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我们现在就来看一下。And we saw those.

他看见你和我了。He saw you and I.

我见到件猪排啊!I saw a porkchop!

我看见范冰冰了。I saw Fan binging.

我睇到件猪扒啊!I saw a pork chop.

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见到你自己架车?Saw your car here?

最后,我看到了他。Finally, I saw him.

我看见她开车进去了。I saw her drive in.

我看见他驾车开了进去。I saw him drive in.

我刚才看见了他。I saw him just now.

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我看到了圆形大剧场。I saw the Coliseum.

老爸,我看到那辆车了。I saw the car, Dad.

这就是我们看到的。That's what we saw.

他看见了一只白天鹅。He saw a white swan.

那没有看见就信的,有福了。He saw and believed.

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我看到一个身材修长的人。I saw a slender man.

我送她平安回家。I saw her safe home.

让我们把这棵树锯一锯。Let's saw this tree.