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你必须能够说一口道地的印地文。You must be able to speak perfect Hindi.

这是索尼公司投拍的第一部印度语电影。This is the first Sony Toupai Hindi movies.

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您不会看到印地语支持。You will not see the Hindi language support.

在印度教,卡尔基阿瓦塔表示“未来的阿瓦塔”。In Hindi kal ki avatar means "tomorrow's avatar".

梵语和北印度语所用的一种音节体。A syllabic script used in writing sanskrit and hindi.

没有其他的印地文电影拥有如此广泛的海外发行。No other Hindi film has had such a wide release abroad.

我们还将推出类似的中文、俄语和印地语推特。We’ll start similar ones in Chinese, Russian, and Hindi.

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事实上它是用英语拍摄的北印度片。Actually it's a Hindi movie shot in the English language.

在北印度语中,LOOT指在战争或暴乱中失窃的物品。As a Hindi word, loot is an item stolen during war or riot.

布扬博士水库,是“波斯,印地文和好奇混合泳熊'。Dr. SK Bhuyan, was a "curious medley of Persian, Hindi and Assamese'."

要小心中国,别忘了他们曾经提出的口号“印中亲如兄弟”。Beware from China. Let's not forget their slogan of Hindi Chini bhai bhai.

我会说印地语,而且我喜欢——我希望把一门语言学得再熟练些。I speak Hindi and like---I hope to learn a language a bit more proficiently.

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本宣言于二00三年六月二十三日在北京用中文、印地文、英文三种文字签署。Signed in Beijing on 23 June 2003 in the Chinese, Hindi and English languages.

此外还有学阿拉伯语和印度语的,这些孩子,想要学习世界各种语言。And Arabic and Hindi These are kids who want to learn the languages of the world.

超过一半的人口说英语,俄语,普通话,印度语和西班牙语。More than half the population speak English, Russian, Mandarin, Hindi and Spanish.

专文先怒责有钱人能在瑞士达弗斯讲大道理,在印度考试却过不了关。The column first berated the rich for lecturing at Davos and failing in Hindi exams.

他们不会愿意重新开始,再去学习葡萄牙语或北印度语。They would not relish the prospect of starting out again in, say, Portuguese or Hindi.

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也会为更多的北印度电影配乐,好莱坞也在向他招手——如果只是为了有一种新体验。As well as working on more Hindi films, Hollywood beckons , if only for a new experience.

在印地语文学的意思是“舞曲诗句”,这意味着“造福他人”。The Hindi translation of literature is "sahitya" which means 'for the benefit of others'.

此结果导致以英语,西班牙语,北印度语,乌尔都语及阿拉伯语为母语的人数出现对等。At that point English, Spanish, Hindi , Urdu and Arabic will have an equal number of native speakers.